Source code for empymod.model

EM-modelling routines. The implemented routines might not be the fastest
solution to your specific problem. Use these routines as template to create
your own, problem-specific modelling routine!

Principal routines:

- :func:`bipole`
- :func:`dipole`
- :func:`loop`

The main routine is :func:`bipole`, which can model bipole source(s) and bipole
receiver(s) of arbitrary direction, for electric or magnetic sources and
receivers, both in frequency and in time. A subset of :func:`bipole` is
:func:`dipole`, which models infinitesimal small dipoles along the principal
axes x, y, and z. The third routine, :func:`loop`, can be used if the source or
the receivers are loops instead of dipoles.

Further routines are:

- :func:`analytical`: Calculate analytical fullspace and halfspace solutions.
- :func:`dipole_k`: Calculate the electromagnetic wavenumber-domain solution.
- :func:`gpr`: Calculate the Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) response.

The :func:`dipole_k` routine can be used if you are interested in the
wavenumber-domain result, without Hankel nor Fourier transform. It calls
straight the :mod:`empymod.kernel`. The :func:`gpr`-routine convolves the
frequency-domain result with a wavelet, and applies a gain to the time-domain
result. This function is still experimental.

The modelling routines make use of the following two core routines:

- :func:`fem`: Calculate wavenumber-domain electromagnetic field and carry out
  the Hankel transform to the frequency domain.
- :func:`tem`: Carry out the Fourier transform to time domain after

# Copyright 2016 The emsig community.
# This file is part of empymod.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.

import numpy as np

from empymod import kernel, transform
from empymod.utils import (
        check_time, check_time_only, check_model, check_frequency,
        check_hankel, check_loop, check_dipole, check_bipole, check_ab,
        check_solution, get_abs, get_geo_fact, get_azm_dip, get_off_ang,
        get_layer_nr, get_kwargs, printstartfinish, conv_warning, EMArray)

__all__ = ['bipole', 'dipole', 'loop', 'analytical', 'gpr', 'dipole_k', 'fem',

def __dir__():
    return __all__

[docs] def bipole(src, rec, depth, res, freqtime, signal=None, aniso=None, epermH=None, epermV=None, mpermH=None, mpermV=None, msrc=False, srcpts=1, mrec=False, recpts=1, strength=0, **kwargs): r"""Return EM fields due to arbitrary rotated, finite length EM dipoles. Calculate the electromagnetic frequency- or time-domain field due to arbitrary rotated, finite electric or magnetic bipole sources, measured by arbitrary rotated, finite electric or magnetic bipole receivers. By default, the electromagnetic response is normalized to source and receiver of 1 m length, and source strength of 1 A. See Also -------- :func:`dipole` : EM fields due to infinitesimal small EM dipoles. :func:`loop` : EM fields due to a magnetic source loop. Parameters ---------- src, rec : list of floats or arrays Source and receiver coordinates (m): - [x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1] (bipole of finite length) - [x, y, z, azimuth, dip] (dipole, infinitesimal small) Dimensions: - The coordinates x, y, and z (dipole) or x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, and z1 (bipole) can be single values or arrays. - The variables x and y (dipole) or x0, x1, y0, and y1 (bipole) must have the same dimensions. - The variables z, azimuth, and dip (dipole) or z0 and z1 (bipole) must either be single values or having the same dimension as the other coordinates. Angles (coordinate system is either left-handed with positive z down or right-handed with positive z up; East-North-Depth): - azimuth (°): horizontal deviation from x-axis, anti-clockwise. - +/-dip (°): vertical deviation from xy-plane down/up-wards. Sources or receivers placed on a layer interface are considered in the upper layer. depth : list Absolute layer interfaces z (m); #depth = #res - 1 (excluding +/- infinity). res : array_like Horizontal resistivities rho_h (Ohm.m); #res = #depth + 1. Alternatively, res can be a dictionary. See the main manual of empymod too see how to exploit this hook to re-calculate etaH, etaV, zetaH, and zetaV, which can be used to, for instance, use the Cole-Cole model for IP. freqtime : array_like Frequencies f (Hz) if `signal==None`, else times t (s); (f, t > 0). signal : {None, 0, 1, -1}, default: None Source signal: - None: Frequency-domain response - -1 : Switch-off time-domain response - 0 : Impulse time-domain response - +1 : Switch-on time-domain response aniso : array_like, default: ones Anisotropies lambda = sqrt(rho_v/rho_h) (-); #aniso = #res. epermH, epermV : array_like, default: ones Relative horizontal/vertical electric permittivities epsilon_h/epsilon_v (-); #epermH = #epermV = #res. If epermH is provided but not epermV, isotropic behaviour is assumed. mpermH, mpermV : array_like, default: ones Relative horizontal/vertical magnetic permeabilities mu_h/mu_v (-); #mpermH = #mpermV = #res. If mpermH is provided but not mpermV, isotropic behaviour is assumed. msrc, mrec : bool or string, default: False If True, source/receiver (msrc/mrec) is magnetic, else electric. The receiver can also be set to `mrec='j'`, in which case the electric current density is returned (with the approximation that the current density is proportional to the electric field, J=σE). Only implemented for isotropic resistivities and electric permittivities at receiver level. srcpts, recpts : int, default: 1 Number of integration points for bipole source/receiver: - srcpts/recpts < 3 : bipole, but calculated as dipole at centre - srcpts/recpts >= 3 : bipole strength : float, default: 0.0 Source strength (A): - If 0, output is normalized to source and receiver of 1 m length, and source strength of 1 A. - If != 0, output is returned for given source and receiver length, and source strength. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, default: 2 Level of verbosity: - 0: Print nothing. - 1: Print warnings. - 2: Print additional runtime and kernel calls - 3: Print additional start/stop, condensed parameter information. - 4: Print additional full parameter information ht : {'dlf', 'qwe', 'quad'}, default: 'dlf' Flag to choose either the *Digital Linear Filter* (DLF) method, the *Quadrature-With-Extrapolation* (QWE), or a simple *Quadrature* (QUAD) for the Hankel transform. htarg : dict, optional Possible parameters depends on the value for `ht`: - If `ht='dlf'`: - `dlf`: string of filter name in :mod:`empymod.filters` or the filter method itself. (default: ``empymod.filters.Hankel().key_201_2009``) - `pts_per_dec`: points per decade; (default: 0): - If 0: Standard DLF. - If < 0: Lagged Convolution DLF. - If > 0: Splined DLF - If `ht='qwe'`: - `rtol`: relative tolerance (default: 1e-12) - `atol`: absolute tolerance (default: 1e-30) - `nquad`: order of Gaussian quadrature (default: 51) - `maxint`: maximum number of partial integral intervals (default: 40) - `pts_per_dec`: points per decade; (default: 0) - If 0, no interpolation is used. - If > 0, interpolation is used. - `diff_quad`: criteria when to swap to QUAD (only relevant if pts_per_dec>0) (default: 100) - `a`: lower limit for QUAD (default: first interval from QWE) - `b`: upper limit for QUAD (default: last interval from QWE) - `limit`: limit for quad (default: maxint) - If `ht='quad'`: - `rtol`: relative tolerance (default: 1e-12) - `atol`: absolute tolerance (default: 1e-20) - `limit`: An upper bound on the number of subintervals used in the adaptive algorithm (default: 500) - `a`: Minimum wavenumber (default 1e-6) - `b`: Maximum wavenumber (default 0.1) - `pts_per_dec`: points per decade (default: 40) ft : {'dlf', 'sin', 'cos', 'qwe', 'fftlog', 'fft'}, default: 'dlf' Only used if signal!=None. Flag to choose either the Digital Linear Filter method (Sine- or Cosine-Filter), the Quadrature-With-Extrapolation (QWE), the FFTLog, or the FFT for the Fourier transform. If 'dlf' it is 'sin' if signal>=0, else 'cos'. ftarg : dict, optional Only used if signal!=None. Possible parameters depends on the value for `ft`: - If `ft='dlf'`, 'sin', or 'cos': - `dlf`: string of filter name in :mod:`empymod.filters` or the filter method itself. (Default: ``empymod.filters.Fourier().key_201_2012``) - `pts_per_dec`: points per decade; (default: -1) - If 0: Standard DLF. - If < 0: Lagged Convolution DLF. - If > 0: Splined DLF - If `ft='qwe'`: - `rtol`: relative tolerance (default: 1e-8) - `atol`: absolute tolerance (default: 1e-20) - `nquad`: order of Gaussian quadrature (default: 21) - `maxint`: maximum number of partial integral intervals (default: 200) - `pts_per_dec`: points per decade (default: 20) - `diff_quad`: criteria when to swap to QUAD (default: 100) - `a`: lower limit for QUAD (default: first interval from QWE) - `b`: upper limit for QUAD (default: last interval from QWE) - `limit`: limit for quad (default: maxint) - If `ft='fftlog'`: - `pts_per_dec`: sampels per decade (default: 10) - `add_dec`: additional decades [left, right] (default: [-2, 1]) - `q`: exponent of power law bias (default: 0); -1 <= q <= 1 - If `ft='fft'`: - `dfreq`: Linear step-size of frequencies (default: 0.002) - `nfreq`: Number of frequencies (default: 2048) - `ntot`: Total number for FFT; difference between nfreq and ntot is padded with zeroes. This number is ideally a power of 2, e.g. 2048 or 4096 (default: nfreq). - `pts_per_dec`: points per decade (default: None) Padding can sometimes improve the result, not always. The default samples from 0.002 Hz - 4.096 Hz. If pts_per_dec is set to an integer, calculated frequencies are logarithmically spaced with the given number per decade, and then interpolated to yield the required frequencies for the FFT. xdirect : bool or None, default: False Direct field calculation (only if src and rec are in the same layer): - If True, direct field is calculated analytically in the frequency domain. - If False, direct field is calculated in the wavenumber domain. - If None, direct field is excluded from the calculation, and only reflected fields are returned (secondary field). loop : {None, 'freq', 'off'}, default: None Define if to calculate everything vectorized or if to loop over frequencies ('freq') or over offsets ('off'). It always loops over frequencies if `ht='qwe'` or if `pts_per_dec=-1`. Calculating everything vectorized is fast for few offsets OR for few frequencies. However, if you calculate many frequencies for many offsets, it might be faster to loop over frequencies. Only comparing the different versions will yield the answer for your specific problem at hand! squeeze : bool, default: True If True, the output is squeezed. If False, the output will always be of ``ndim=3``, (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc). Returns ------- EM : EMArray, (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc) Frequency- or time-domain EM field (depending on `signal`): - If rec is electric, returns E [V/m]. - If rec is magnetic, returns H [A/m]. - If rec is `j`, returns J [A/m2]. EMArray is a subclassed ndarray with `.pha` and `.amp` attributes (only relevant for frequency-domain data). The shape of EM is (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc). However, single dimensions are removed. Examples -------- .. ipython:: In [1]: import empymod ...: import numpy as np ...: # x-directed bipole source: x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 ...: src = [-50, 50, 0, 0, 100, 100] ...: # x-directed dipole receiver-array: x, y, z, azimuth, dip ...: rec = [np.arange(1, 11)*500, np.zeros(10), 200, 0, 0] ...: # layer boundaries ...: depth = [0, 300, 1000, 1050] ...: # layer resistivities ...: res = [1e20, .3, 1, 50, 1] ...: # Frequency ...: freq = 1 ...: # Calculate electric field due to an electric source at 1 Hz. ...: # [msrc = mrec = False (default)] ...: EMfield = empymod.bipole(src, rec, depth, res, freq, verb=3) Out[1]: ...: :: empymod START :: v2.0.0 ...: ...: depth [m] : 0 300 1000 1050 ...: res [Ohm.m] : 1E+20 0.3 1 50 1 ...: aniso [-] : 1 1 1 1 1 ...: epermH [-] : 1 1 1 1 1 ...: epermV [-] : 1 1 1 1 1 ...: mpermH [-] : 1 1 1 1 1 ...: mpermV [-] : 1 1 1 1 1 ...: direct field : Comp. in wavenumber domain ...: frequency [Hz] : 1 ...: Hankel : DLF (Fast Hankel Transform) ...: > Filter : key_201_2009 ...: > DLF type : Standard ...: Loop over : None (all vectorized) ...: Source(s) : 1 bipole(s) ...: > intpts : 1 (as dipole) ...: > length [m] : 100 ...: > strength[A] : 0 ...: > x_c [m] : 0 ...: > y_c [m] : 0 ...: > z_c [m] : 100 ...: > azimuth [°] : 0 ...: > dip [°] : 0 ...: Receiver(s) : 10 dipole(s) ...: > x [m] : 500 - 5000 : 10 [min-max; #] ...: > y [m] : 0 - 0 : 10 [min-max; #] ...: > z [m] : 200 ...: > azimuth [°] : 0 ...: > dip [°] : 0 ...: Required ab's : 11 ...: ...: :: empymod END; runtime = 0:00:00.005536 :: 1 kernel call(s) In [2]: EMfield[0] Out[2]: (1.6880934577857306e-10-3.083031298956568e-10j) """ # Get kwargs with defaults. out = get_kwargs( ['verb', 'ht', 'htarg', 'ft', 'ftarg', 'xdirect', 'loop', 'squeeze'], [2, 'dlf', {}, 'dlf', {}, False, None, True], kwargs, ) verb, ht, htarg, ft, ftarg, xdirect, loop, squeeze = out # === 1. LET'S START ============ t0 = printstartfinish(verb) # === 2. CHECK INPUT ============ # Check times and Fourier Transform arguments and get required frequencies if signal is None: freq = freqtime else: time, freq, ft, ftarg = check_time(freqtime, signal, ft, ftarg, verb) # Check layer parameters model = check_model(depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, xdirect, verb) depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, isfullspace = model # Check frequency => get etaH, etaV, zetaH, and zetaV frequency = check_frequency(freq, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, verb) freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV = frequency # Update etaH/etaV and zetaH/zetaV according to user-provided model if isinstance(res, dict) and 'func_eta' in res: etaH, etaV = res['func_eta'](res, locals()) if isinstance(res, dict) and 'func_zeta' in res: zetaH, zetaV = res['func_zeta'](res, locals()) # Check Hankel transform parameters ht, htarg = check_hankel(ht, htarg, verb) # Check loop loop_freq, loop_off = check_loop(loop, ht, htarg, verb) # Check src and rec, get flags if dipole or not # nsrcz/nrecz are number of unique src/rec-pole depths src, nsrc, nsrcz, srcdipole = check_bipole(src, 'src') rec, nrec, nrecz, recdipole = check_bipole(rec, 'rec') # Check if receiver is a `j`. if mrec == 'j': rec_j = True mrec = False else: rec_j = False # === 3. EM-FIELD CALCULATION ============ # Pre-allocate output EM array EM = np.zeros((freq.size, nrec*nsrc), dtype=etaH.dtype) # Initialize kernel count, conv (only for QWE) # (how many times the wavenumber-domain kernel was calld) kcount = 0 conv = True # Define some indices isrc = int(nsrc/nsrcz) # this is either 1 or nsrc irec = int(nrec/nrecz) # this is either 1 or nrec isrz = int(isrc*irec) # this is either 1, nsrc, nrec, or nsrc*nrec # The kernel handles only 1 ab with one srcz-recz combination at once. # Hence we have to loop over every different depth of src or rec, and # over all required ab's. for isz in range(nsrcz): # Loop over source depths # Get this source srcazmdip = get_azm_dip(src, isz, nsrcz, srcpts, srcdipole, strength, 'src', verb) tsrc, srcazm, srcdip, srcg_w, srcpts, src_w = srcazmdip for irz in range(nrecz): # Loop over receiver depths # Get this receiver recazmdip = get_azm_dip(rec, irz, nrecz, recpts, recdipole, strength, 'rec', verb) trec, recazm, recdip, recg_w, recpts, rec_w = recazmdip # Get required ab's ab_calc = get_abs(msrc, mrec, srcazm, srcdip, recazm, recdip, verb) # Pre-allocate temporary source-EM array for integration loop sEM = np.zeros((freq.size, isrz), dtype=etaH.dtype) for isg in range(srcpts): # Loop over src integration points # This integration source tisrc = [tsrc[0][isg::srcpts], tsrc[1][isg::srcpts], tsrc[2][isg]] # Get layer number in which src resides lsrc, zsrc = get_layer_nr(tisrc, depth) # Pre-allocate temporary receiver EM arrays for integr. loop rEM = np.zeros((freq.size, isrz), dtype=etaH.dtype) for irg in range(recpts): # Loop over rec integration pts # Note, if source or receiver is a bipole, but horizontal # (dip=0), then calculation could be sped up by not looping # over the bipole elements, but calculate it all in one go. # This integration receiver tirec = [trec[0][irg::recpts], trec[1][irg::recpts], trec[2][irg]] # Get src-rec offsets and angles off, angle = get_off_ang(tisrc, tirec, isrc, irec, verb) # Get layer number in which rec resides lrec, zrec = get_layer_nr(tirec, depth) # Check eta at receiver level (only isotropic implemented). if rec_j and verb > 0 and etaH[0, lrec] != etaV[0, lrec]: print("* WARNING :: `etaH != etaV` at receiver level, " "only `etaH` considered for e-current density.") # Gather variables finp = (off, angle, zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdirect, isfullspace, ht, htarg, msrc, mrec, loop_freq, loop_off, conv) # Pre-allocate temporary EM array for ab-loop abEM = np.zeros((freq.size, isrz), dtype=etaH.dtype) for iab in ab_calc: # Loop over required ab's # Carry-out the frequency-domain calculation out = fem(iab, *finp) # Get geometrical scaling factor, # broadcast to (irec, isrc) tfact = np.ones((irec, isrc))*get_geo_fact( iab, srcazm, srcdip, recazm, recdip, msrc, mrec ) # Add field to EM with geometrical factor abEM += out[0]*tfact.ravel('F') # Update kernel count kcount += out[1] # Update conv (QWE convergence) conv *= out[2] # Add this receiver element, with weight from integration rEM += abEM*recg_w[irg] # Add this source element, with weight from integration sEM += rEM*srcg_w[isg] # Scale signal for src-strength and src/rec-lengths src_rec_w = 1 if strength > 0: src_rec_w *= np.repeat(src_w, irec) src_rec_w *= np.tile(rec_w, isrc) sEM *= src_rec_w # Multiply with eta of the rec-layer if ecurrent. if rec_j: sEM *= etaH[:, lrec, None] # Add this src-rec signal if nrec == nrecz: if nsrc == nsrcz: # Case 1: Looped over each src and each rec EM[:, isz*nrec+irz:isz*nrec+irz+1] = sEM else: # Case 2: Looped over each rec EM[:, irz:nsrc*nrec:nrec] = sEM else: if nsrc == nsrcz: # Case 3: Looped over each src EM[:, isz*nrec:nrec*(isz+1)] = sEM else: # Case 4: All in one go EM = sEM # In case of QWE/QUAD, print Warning if not converged conv_warning(conv, htarg, 'Hankel', verb) # Do f->t transform if required if signal is not None: EM, conv = tem(EM, EM[0, :], freq, time, signal, ft, ftarg) # In case of QWE/QUAD, print Warning if not converged conv_warning(conv, ftarg, 'Fourier', verb) # Reshape for number of sources EM = EM.reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F') if squeeze: EM = np.squeeze(EM) # === 4. FINISHED ============ printstartfinish(verb, t0, kcount) return EMArray(EM)
[docs] def dipole(src, rec, depth, res, freqtime, signal=None, ab=11, aniso=None, epermH=None, epermV=None, mpermH=None, mpermV=None, **kwargs): r"""Return EM fields due to infinitesimal small EM dipoles. Calculate the electromagnetic frequency- or time-domain field due to infinitesimal small electric or magnetic dipole source(s), measured by infinitesimal small electric or magnetic dipole receiver(s); sources and receivers are directed along the principal directions x, y, or z, and all sources are at the same depth, as well as all receivers are at the same depth. Use the functions :func:`bipole` to calculate dipoles with arbitrary angles or bipoles of finite length and arbitrary angle. The function :func:`dipole` could be replaced by :func:`bipole` (all there is to do is translate `ab` into `msrc`, `mrec`, `azimuth`'s and `dip`'s). However, :func:`dipole` is kept separately to serve as an example of a simple modelling routine that can serve as a template. See Also -------- :func:`bipole` : EM fields due to arbitrary rotated, finite length EM dipoles. :func:`loop` : EM fields due to a magnetic source loop. Parameters ---------- src, rec : list of floats or arrays Source and receiver coordinates [x, y, z] (m): For `N` sources or receivers, the x- and y-coordinates must be of size `N` or 1 (in the latter case it will be expanded to `N`); z is always a single value. Sources or receivers placed on a layer interface are considered in the upper layer. depth : list Absolute layer interfaces z (m); #depth = #res - 1 (excluding +/- infinity). res : array_like Horizontal resistivities rho_h (Ohm.m); #res = #depth + 1. Alternatively, res can be a dictionary. See the main manual of empymod too see how to exploit this hook to re-calculate etaH, etaV, zetaH, and zetaV, which can be used to, for instance, use the Cole-Cole model for IP. freqtime : array_like Frequencies f (Hz) if `signal==None`, else times t (s); (f, t > 0). signal : {None, 0, 1, -1}, default: None Source signal: - None: Frequency-domain response - -1 : Switch-off time-domain response - 0 : Impulse time-domain response - +1 : Switch-on time-domain response ab : int, default: 11 Source-receiver configuration. +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | electric source | magnetic source | +===============+=======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ | | **x**| **y**| **z**| **x**| **y**| **z**| +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **x** | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | + **electric** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **y** | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | + **receiver** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **z** | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **x** | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | + **magnetic** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **y** | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | + **receiver** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **z** | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ aniso : array_like, default: ones Anisotropies lambda = sqrt(rho_v/rho_h) (-); #aniso = #res. epermH, epermV : array_like, default: ones Relative horizontal/vertical electric permittivities epsilon_h/epsilon_v (-); #epermH = #epermV = #res. If epermH is provided but not epermV, isotropic behaviour is assumed. mpermH, mpermV : array_like, default: ones Relative horizontal/vertical magnetic permeabilities mu_h/mu_v (-); #mpermH = #mpermV = #res. If mpermH is provided but not mpermV, isotropic behaviour is assumed. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, default: 2 Level of verbosity: - 0: Print nothing. - 1: Print warnings. - 2: Print additional runtime and kernel calls - 3: Print additional start/stop, condensed parameter information. - 4: Print additional full parameter information ht, htarg, ft, ftarg, xdirect, loop : settings, optinal See docstring of :func:`bipole` for a description. squeeze : bool, default: True If True, the output is squeezed. If False, the output will always be of ``ndim=3``, (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc). Returns ------- EM : EMArray, (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc) Frequency- or time-domain EM field (depending on `signal`): - If rec is electric, returns E [V/m]. - If rec is magnetic, returns H [A/m]. EMArray is a subclassed ndarray with `.pha` and `.amp` attributes (only relevant for frequency-domain data). The shape of EM is (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc). However, single dimensions are removed. Examples -------- .. ipython:: In [1]: import empymod ...: import numpy as np ...: src = [0, 0, 100] ...: rec = [np.arange(1, 11)*500, np.zeros(10), 200] ...: depth = [0, 300, 1000, 1050] ...: res = [1e20, .3, 1, 50, 1] ...: EMfield = empymod.dipole( ...: src, rec, depth, res, freqtime=1, verb=1) ...: EMfield[0] Out[1]: (1.6880934577857306e-10-3.083031298956568e-10j) """ # Get kwargs with defaults. out = get_kwargs( ['verb', 'ht', 'htarg', 'ft', 'ftarg', 'xdirect', 'loop', 'squeeze'], [2, 'dlf', {}, 'dlf', {}, False, None, True], kwargs, ) verb, ht, htarg, ft, ftarg, xdirect, loop, squeeze = out # === 1. LET'S START ============ t0 = printstartfinish(verb) # === 2. CHECK INPUT ============ # Check times and Fourier Transform arguments, get required frequencies # (freq = freqtime if `signal=None`) if signal is not None: time, freq, ft, ftarg = check_time(freqtime, signal, ft, ftarg, verb) else: freq = freqtime # Check layer parameters model = check_model(depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, xdirect, verb) depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, isfullspace = model # Check frequency => get etaH, etaV, zetaH, and zetaV frequency = check_frequency(freq, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, verb) freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV = frequency # Update etaH/etaV and zetaH/zetaV according to user-provided model if isinstance(res, dict) and 'func_eta' in res: etaH, etaV = res['func_eta'](res, locals()) if isinstance(res, dict) and 'func_zeta' in res: zetaH, zetaV = res['func_zeta'](res, locals()) # Check Hankel transform parameters ht, htarg = check_hankel(ht, htarg, verb) # Check loop loop_freq, loop_off = check_loop(loop, ht, htarg, verb) # Check src-rec configuration # => Get flags if src or rec or both are magnetic (msrc, mrec) ab_calc, msrc, mrec = check_ab(ab, verb) # Check src and rec src, nsrc = check_dipole(src, 'src', verb) rec, nrec = check_dipole(rec, 'rec', verb) # Get offsets and angles (off, angle) off, angle = get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, verb) # Get layer number in which src and rec reside (lsrc/lrec) lsrc, zsrc = get_layer_nr(src, depth) lrec, zrec = get_layer_nr(rec, depth) # === 3. EM-FIELD CALCULATION ============ # Collect variables for fem inp = (ab_calc, off, angle, zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdirect, isfullspace, ht, htarg, msrc, mrec, loop_freq, loop_off) EM, kcount, conv = fem(*inp) # In case of QWE/QUAD, print Warning if not converged conv_warning(conv, htarg, 'Hankel', verb) # Do f->t transform if required if signal is not None: EM, conv = tem(EM, off, freq, time, signal, ft, ftarg) # In case of QWE/QUAD, print Warning if not converged conv_warning(conv, ftarg, 'Fourier', verb) # Reshape for number of sources EM = EM.reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F') if squeeze: EM = np.squeeze(EM) # === 4. FINISHED ============ printstartfinish(verb, t0, kcount) return EMArray(EM)
[docs] def loop(src, rec, depth, res, freqtime, signal=None, aniso=None, epermH=None, epermV=None, mpermH=None, mpermV=None, mrec=True, recpts=1, strength=0, **kwargs): r"""Return EM fields due to a magnetic source loop. Calculate the electromagnetic frequency- or time-domain field due to an arbitrary rotated, magnetic source consisting of an electric loop, measured by arbitrary rotated, finite electric or magnetic bipole receivers or arbitrary rotated magnetic receivers consisting of electric loops. By default, the electromagnetic response is normalized to source loop area of 1 m2 and receiver length or area of 1 m or 1 m2, respectively, and source strength of 1 A. A magnetic dipole, as used in :func:`dipole` and :func:`bipole`, has a moment of :math:`I^m ds`. However, if the magnetic dipole is generated by an electric-wire loop, this changes to :math:`I^m = i\omega\mu A I^e`, where A is the area of the loop. The same factor :math:`i\omega\mu A`, applies to the receiver, if it consists of an electric-wire loop. The current implementation only handles loop sources and receivers in layers where :math:`\mu_r^h=\mu_r^v`; the horizontal magnetic permeability is used, and a warning is thrown if the vertical differs from the horizontal one. Note that the kernel internally still calculates dipole sources and receivers, the moment is a factor that is multiplied in the frequency domain. The logs will therefore still inform about bipoles and dipoles. See Also -------- :func:`dipole` : EM fields due to infinitesimal small EM dipoles. :func:`bipole` : EM fields due to arbitrary rotated, finite length EM dipoles. Parameters ---------- src, rec : list of floats or arrays Source and receiver coordinates (m): - [x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1] (bipole of finite length) - [x, y, z, azimuth, dip] (dipole, infinitesimal small) Dimensions: - The coordinates x, y, and z (dipole) or x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, and z1 (bipole) can be single values or arrays. - The variables x and y (dipole) or x0, x1, y0, and y1 (bipole) must have the same dimensions. - The variables z, azimuth, and dip (dipole) or z0 and z1 (bipole) must either be single values or having the same dimension as the other coordinates. Angles (coordinate system is either left-handed with positive z down or right-handed with positive z up; East-North-Depth): - azimuth (°): horizontal deviation from x-axis, anti-clockwise. - +/-dip (°): vertical deviation from xy-plane down/up-wards. Sources or receivers placed on a layer interface are considered in the upper layer. depth : list Absolute layer interfaces z (m); #depth = #res - 1 (excluding +/- infinity). res : array_like Horizontal resistivities rho_h (Ohm.m); #res = #depth + 1. Alternatively, res can be a dictionary. See the main manual of empymod too see how to exploit this hook to re-calculate etaH, etaV, zetaH, and zetaV, which can be used to, for instance, use the Cole-Cole model for IP. freqtime : array_like Frequencies f (Hz) if `signal==None`, else times t (s); (f, t > 0). signal : {None, 0, 1, -1}, default: None Source signal: - None: Frequency-domain response - -1 : Switch-off time-domain response - 0 : Impulse time-domain response - +1 : Switch-on time-domain response aniso : array_like, default: ones Anisotropies lambda = sqrt(rho_v/rho_h) (-); #aniso = #res. epermH, epermV : array_like, default: ones Relative horizontal/vertical electric permittivities epsilon_h/epsilon_v (-); #epermH = #epermV = #res. If epermH is provided but not epermV, isotropic behaviour is assumed. mpermH, mpermV : array_like, default: ones Relative horizontal/vertical magnetic permeabilities mu_h/mu_v (-); #mpermH = #mpermV = #res. If mpermH is provided but not mpermV, isotropic behaviour is assumed. Note that the relative horizontal and vertical magnetic permeabilities in layers with loop sources or receivers will be set to 1. mrec : bool or string, default: True Receiver options: - True: Magnetic dipole receiver; - False: Electric dipole receiver; - 'loop': Magnetic receiver consisting of an electric-wire loop. Only implemented for isotropic magnetic permeability at loop levels. recpts : int, default: 1 Number of integration points for bipole receiver: - recpts < 3 : bipole, but calculated as dipole at centre - recpts >= 3 : bipole Note that if `mrec='loop'`, `recpts` will be set to 1. strength : float, default: 0.0 Source strength (A): - If 0, output is normalized to source of 1 m2 area and receiver of 1 m length or 1 m2 area, and source strength of 1 A. - If != 0, output is returned for given source strength and receiver length (if `mrec!='loop'`). The strength is simply a multiplication factor. It can also be used to provide the source and receiver loop area, or also to multiply by :math:\mu_0`, if you want the B-field instead of the H-field. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, default: 2 Level of verbosity: - 0: Print nothing. - 1: Print warnings. - 2: Print additional runtime and kernel calls - 3: Print additional start/stop, condensed parameter information. - 4: Print additional full parameter information ht, htarg, ft, ftarg, xdirect, loop : settings, optinal See docstring of :func:`bipole` for a description. squeeze : bool, default: True If True, the output is squeezed. If False, the output will always be of ``ndim=3``, (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc). Returns ------- EM : EMArray, (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc) Frequency- or time-domain EM field (depending on `signal`): - If rec is electric, returns E [V/m]. - If rec is magnetic, returns H [A/m]. - If rec is an electric loop, returns B [T]. EMArray is a subclassed ndarray with `.pha` and `.amp` attributes (only relevant for frequency-domain data). Examples -------- .. ipython:: In [1]: import empymod ...: import numpy as np ...: # z-directed loop source: x, y, z, azimuth, dip ...: src = [0, 0, 0, 0, 90] ...: # z-directed magn. dipole receiver-array: x, y, z, azimuth, dip ...: rec = [np.arange(1, 11)*500, np.zeros(10), 200, 0, 90] ...: # layer boundaries ...: depth = [0, 300, 500] ...: # layer resistivities ...: res = [2e14, 10, 500, 10] ...: # Frequency ...: freq = 1 ...: # Calculate magnetic field due to a loop source at 1 Hz. ...: # [mrec = True (default)] ...: EMfield = empymod.loop(src, rec, depth, res, freq, verb=3) Out[1]: ...: :: empymod START :: w2.0.0 ...: depth [m] : 0 300 500 ...: res [Ohm.m] : 2E+14 10 500 10 ...: aniso [-] : 1 1 1 1 ...: epermH [-] : 1 1 1 1 ...: epermV [-] : 1 1 1 1 ...: mpermH [-] : 1 1 1 1 ...: mpermV [-] : 1 1 1 1 ...: direct field : Comp. in wavenumber domain ...: frequency [Hz] : 1 ...: Hankel : DLF (Fast Hankel Transform) ...: > Filter : key_201_2009 ...: > DLF type : Standard ...: Loop over : None (all vectorized) ...: Source(s) : 1 dipole(s) ...: > x [m] : 0 ...: > y [m] : 0 ...: > z [m] : 0 ...: > azimuth [°] : 0 ...: > dip [°] : 90 ...: Receiver(s) : 10 dipole(s) ...: > x [m] : 500 - 5000 : 10 [min-max; #] ...: > y [m] : 0 - 0 : 10 [min-max; #] ...: > z [m] : 200 ...: > azimuth [°] : 0 ...: > dip [°] : 90 ...: Required ab's : 33 ...: ...: :: empymod END; runtime = 0:00:00.005025 :: 1 kernel call(s) In [2]: EMfield[0] Out[2]: (-3.054498478653836e-10-2.0037418529368025e-11j) """ # Get kwargs with defaults. out = get_kwargs( ['verb', 'ht', 'htarg', 'ft', 'ftarg', 'xdirect', 'loop', 'squeeze'], [2, 'dlf', {}, 'dlf', {}, False, None, True], kwargs, ) verb, ht, htarg, ft, ftarg, xdirect, loop, squeeze = out # === 1. LET'S START ============ t0 = printstartfinish(verb) # === 2. CHECK INPUT ============ # Check times and Fourier Transform arguments and get required frequencies if signal is None: freq = freqtime else: time, freq, ft, ftarg = check_time(freqtime, signal, ft, ftarg, verb) # Check layer parameters model = check_model(depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, xdirect, verb) depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, isfullspace = model # Check frequency => get etaH, etaV, zetaH, and zetaV frequency = check_frequency(freq, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, verb) freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV = frequency # Update etaH/etaV and zetaH/zetaV according to user-provided model if isinstance(res, dict) and 'func_eta' in res: etaH, etaV = res['func_eta'](res, locals()) if isinstance(res, dict) and 'func_zeta' in res: zetaH, zetaV = res['func_zeta'](res, locals()) # Check Hankel transform parameters ht, htarg = check_hankel(ht, htarg, verb) # Check loop loop_freq, loop_off = check_loop(loop, ht, htarg, verb) # Check src and rec, get flags if dipole or not # nsrcz/nrecz are number of unique src/rec-pole depths src, nsrc, nsrcz, srcdipole = check_bipole(src, 'src') rec, nrec, nrecz, recdipole = check_bipole(rec, 'rec') # Check if receiver is a loop too. if mrec == 'loop': rec_loop = True mrec = True recpts = 1 # If loop, there is no integration. else: rec_loop = False # === 3. EM-FIELD CALCULATION ============ # Pre-allocate output EM array EM = np.zeros((freq.size, nrec*nsrc), dtype=etaH.dtype) # Initialize kernel count, conv (only for QWE) # (how many times the wavenumber-domain kernel was calld) kcount = 0 conv = True # Define some indices isrc = int(nsrc/nsrcz) # this is either 1 or nsrc irec = int(nrec/nrecz) # this is either 1 or nrec isrz = int(isrc*irec) # this is either 1, nsrc, nrec, or nsrc*nrec # The kernel handles only 1 ab with one srcz-recz combination at once. # Hence we have to loop over every different depth of src or rec, and # over all required ab's. for isz in range(nsrcz): # Loop over source depths # Get this source srcazmdip = get_azm_dip(src, isz, nsrcz, 1, srcdipole, strength, 'src', verb) tsrc, srcazm, srcdip, _, _, src_w = srcazmdip for irz in range(nrecz): # Loop over receiver depths # Get this receiver recazmdip = get_azm_dip(rec, irz, nrecz, recpts, recdipole, strength, 'rec', verb) trec, recazm, recdip, recg_w, recpts, rec_w = recazmdip # Get required ab's ab_calc = get_abs(True, mrec, srcazm, srcdip, recazm, recdip, verb) # Get layer number in which src resides lsrc, zsrc = get_layer_nr(tsrc, depth) # Check mu at source level. if verb > 0 and mpermH[lsrc] != mpermV[lsrc]: print("* WARNING :: `mpermH != mpermV` at source level, " "only `mpermH` considered for loop factor.") # Pre-allocate temporary receiver EM arrays for integr. loop rEM = np.zeros((freq.size, isrz), dtype=etaH.dtype) for irg in range(recpts): # Loop over rec integration pts # Note, if source or receiver is a bipole, but horizontal # (dip=0), then calculation could be sped up by not looping # over the bipole elements, but calculate it all in one go. # This integration receiver tirec = [trec[0][irg::recpts], trec[1][irg::recpts], trec[2][irg]] # Get src-rec offsets and angles off, angle = get_off_ang(tsrc, tirec, isrc, irec, verb) # Get layer number in which rec resides lrec, zrec = get_layer_nr(tirec, depth) # Check mu at receiver level (only isotropic implemented). if rec_loop and verb > 0 and mpermH[lrec] != mpermV[lrec]: print("* WARNING :: `mpermH != mpermV` at receiver level, " "only `mpermH` considered for loop factor.") # Gather variables finp = (off, angle, zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdirect, isfullspace, ht, htarg, True, mrec, loop_freq, loop_off, conv) # Pre-allocate temporary EM array for ab-loop abEM = np.zeros((freq.size, isrz), dtype=etaH.dtype) for iab in ab_calc: # Loop over required ab's # Carry-out the frequency-domain calculation out = fem(iab, *finp) # Get geometrical scaling factor, broadcast to (irec, isrc) tfact = np.ones((irec, isrc))*get_geo_fact( iab, srcazm, srcdip, recazm, recdip, True, mrec ) # Add field to EM with geometrical factor abEM += out[0]*tfact.ravel('F') # Update kernel count kcount += out[1] # Update conv (QWE convergence) conv *= out[2] # Add this receiver element, with weight from integration rEM += abEM*recg_w[irg] # Scale signal for src-strength and rec-lengths src_rec_w = 1 if strength > 0: src_rec_w *= np.repeat(src_w, irec) src_rec_w *= np.tile(rec_w, isrc) rEM *= src_rec_w # Add this src-rec signal if nrec == nrecz: if nsrc == nsrcz: # Case 1: Looped over each src and each rec EM[:, isz*nrec+irz:isz*nrec+irz+1] = rEM else: # Case 2: Looped over each rec EM[:, irz:nsrc*nrec:nrec] = rEM else: if nsrc == nsrcz: # Case 3: Looped over each src EM[:, isz*nrec:nrec*(isz+1)] = rEM else: # Case 4: All in one go EM = rEM # In case of QWE/QUAD, print Warning if not converged conv_warning(conv, htarg, 'Hankel', verb) # Multiplication with frequency-dependent loop factors. EM *= zetaH[:, lsrc, None] if rec_loop: EM *= zetaH[:, lrec, None] # Do f->t transform if required if signal is not None: EM, conv = tem(EM, EM[0, :], freq, time, signal, ft, ftarg) # In case of QWE/QUAD, print Warning if not converged conv_warning(conv, ftarg, 'Fourier', verb) # Reshape for number of sources EM = EM.reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F') if squeeze: EM = np.squeeze(EM) # === 4. FINISHED ============ printstartfinish(verb, t0, kcount) return EMArray(EM)
[docs] def analytical(src, rec, res, freqtime, solution='fs', signal=None, ab=11, aniso=None, epermH=None, epermV=None, mpermH=None, mpermV=None, **kwargs): r"""Return analytical full- or half-space solution. Calculate the electromagnetic frequency- or time-domain field due to infinitesimal small electric or magnetic dipole source(s), measured by infinitesimal small electric or magnetic dipole receiver(s); sources and receivers are directed along the principal directions x, y, or z, and all sources are at the same depth, as well as all receivers are at the same depth. In the case of a halfspace the air-interface is located at z = 0 m, and both sources and receiver must be either at the interface or within the subsurface, not in the air (this is NOT checked by the code). You can call the functions :func:`empymod.kernel.fullspace` and :func:`empymod.kernel.halfspace` in :mod:`empymod.kernel` directly. This interface is just to provide a consistent interface with the same input parameters as for instance for :func:`dipole`. This function yields the same result if `solution='fs'` as :func:`dipole`, if the model is a fullspace. Included are: - Full fullspace solution (`solution='fs'`) for ee-, me-, em-, mm-fields, only frequency domain, [HuTS15]_. - Diffusive fullspace solution (`solution='dfs'`) for ee-fields, [SlHM10]_. - Diffusive halfspace solution (`solution='dhs'`) for ee-fields, [SlHM10]_. - Diffusive direct- and reflected field and airwave (`solution='dsplit'`) for ee-fields, [SlHM10]_. - Diffusive direct- and reflected field and airwave (`solution='dtetm'`) for ee-fields, split into TE and TM mode [SlHM10]_. Parameters ---------- src, rec : list of floats or arrays Source and receiver coordinates [x, y, z] (m): For `N` sources or receivers, the x- and y-coordinates must be of size `N` or 1 (in the latter case it will be expanded to `N`); z is always a single value. In the case of the diffusive halfspace, ``z`` is assumed to be at the interface or below. res : float Horizontal resistivity rho_h (Ohm.m). Alternatively, res can be a dictionary. See the main manual of empymod too see how to exploit this hook to re-calculate etaH, etaV, zetaH, and zetaV, which can be used to, for instance, use the Cole-Cole model for IP. freqtime : array_like Frequencies f (Hz) if `signal==None`, else times t (s); (f, t > 0). solution : str, default: 'fs' Defines which solution is returned: - 'fs' : Full fullspace solution (ee-, me-, em-, mm-fields); f-domain. - 'dfs' : Diffusive fullspace solution (ee-fields only). - 'dhs' : Diffusive halfspace solution (ee-fields only). - 'dsplit' : Diffusive direct- and reflected field and airwave (ee-fields only). - 'dtetm' : as dsplit, but direct fielt TE, TM; reflected field TE, TM, and airwave (ee-fields only). signal : {None, 0, 1, -1}, default: None Source signal: - None: Frequency-domain response - -1 : Switch-off time-domain response - 0 : Impulse time-domain response - +1 : Switch-on time-domain response ab : int, default: 11 Source-receiver configuration. +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | electric source | magnetic source | +===============+=======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ | | **x**| **y**| **z**| **x**| **y**| **z**| +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **x** | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | + **electric** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **y** | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | + **receiver** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **z** | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **x** | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | + **magnetic** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **y** | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | + **receiver** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **z** | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ aniso : float, default: 1.0 Anisotropy lambda = sqrt(rho_v/rho_h) (-). epermH, epermV : float, default: 1.0 Relative horizontal/vertical electric permittivity epsilon_h/epsilon_v (-). If epermH is provided but not epermV, isotropic behaviour is assumed. These parameters are ignored for the diffusive solution. mpermH, mpermV : float, default: 1.0 Relative horizontal/vertical magnetic permeability mu_h/mu_v (-); #mpermH = #mpermV = #res. If mpermH is provided but not mpermV, isotropic behaviour is assumed. These parameters are ignored for the diffusive solution. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, default: 2 Level of verbosity: - 0: Print nothing. - 1: Print warnings. - 2: Print additional runtime - 3: Print additional start/stop, condensed parameter information. - 4: Print additional full parameter information squeeze : bool, default: True If True, the output is squeezed. If False, the output will always be of ``ndim=3``, (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc). Returns ------- EM : EMArray, (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc) Frequency- or time-domain EM field (depending on `signal`): - If rec is electric, returns E [V/m]. - If rec is magnetic, returns H [A/m]. EMArray is a subclassed ndarray with `.pha` and `.amp` attributes (only relevant for frequency-domain data). The shape of EM is (nfreqtime, nrec, nsrc). However, single dimensions are removed. If `solution='dsplit'`, three ndarrays are returned: direct, reflect, air. If `solution='dtetm'`, five ndarrays are returned: direct_TE, direct_TM, reflect_TE, reflect_TM, air. Examples -------- .. ipython:: In [1]: import empymod ...: import numpy as np ...: src = [0, 0, 0] ...: rec = [np.arange(1, 11)*500, np.zeros(10), 200] ...: res = 50 ...: EMfield = empymod.analytical(src, rec, res, freqtime=1, verb=0) ...: EMfield[0] Out[1]: (4.030914049602561e-08-9.691638183648923e-10j) """ # Get kwargs with defaults. verb, squeeze = get_kwargs(['verb', 'squeeze'], [2, True], kwargs) # === 1. LET'S START ============ t0 = printstartfinish(verb) # === 2. CHECK INPUT ============ # Check times or frequencies if signal is not None: freqtime = check_time_only(freqtime, signal, verb) # Check layer parameters model = check_model([], res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, True, verb) depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, _ = model # Check frequency => get etaH, etaV, zetaH, and zetaV frequency = check_frequency(freqtime, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, verb) freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV = frequency # Update etaH/etaV and zetaH/zetaV according to user-provided model if isinstance(res, dict) and 'func_eta' in res: etaH, etaV = res['func_eta'](res, locals()) if isinstance(res, dict) and 'func_zeta' in res: zetaH, zetaV = res['func_zeta'](res, locals()) # Check src-rec configuration # => Get flags if src or rec or both are magnetic (msrc, mrec) ab_calc, msrc, mrec = check_ab(ab, verb) # Check src and rec src, nsrc = check_dipole(src, 'src', verb) rec, nrec = check_dipole(rec, 'rec', verb) # Get offsets and angles (off, angle) off, angle = get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, verb) # Get layer number in which src and rec reside (lsrc/lrec) _, zsrc = get_layer_nr(src, depth) _, zrec = get_layer_nr(rec, depth) # Check possibilities check_solution(solution, signal, ab, msrc, mrec) # === 3. EM-FIELD CALCULATION ============ if solution[0] == 'd': # To make it work with Laplace domain calculations. if signal is None: if np.any(freqtime > 0): freqtime = 2j*np.pi*freq else: freqtime = freq EM = kernel.halfspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH, etaV, freqtime[:, None], ab_calc, signal, solution) else: if ab_calc not in [36, ]: EM = kernel.fullspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, ab_calc, msrc, mrec) else: # If <ab> = 36 (or 63), field is zero # In `bipole` and in `dipole`, this is taken care of in `fem`. Here # we have to take care of it separately EM = np.zeros((freq.size*nrec*nsrc), dtype=etaH.dtype) # Reshape for number of sources if solution[1:] == 'split': EM = (EM[0].reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F'), EM[1].reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F'), EM[2].reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F')) elif solution[1:] == 'tetm': EM = (EM[0].reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F'), EM[1].reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F'), EM[2].reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F'), EM[3].reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F'), EM[4].reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F')) else: EM = EM.reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F') if squeeze: EM = np.squeeze(EM) # === 4. FINISHED ============ printstartfinish(verb, t0) return EMArray(EM)
[docs] def gpr(src, rec, depth, res, freqtime, cf, gain=None, ab=11, aniso=None, epermH=None, epermV=None, mpermH=None, mpermV=None, **kwargs): r"""Return Ground-Penetrating Radar signal. THIS FUNCTION IS EXPERIMENTAL, USE WITH CAUTION. It is rather an example how you can calculate GPR responses; however, DO NOT RELY ON IT! It works only well with QUAD or QWE (`quad`, `qwe`) for the Hankel transform, and with FFT (`fft`) for the Fourier transform. It calls internally :func:`dipole` for the frequency-domain calculation. It subsequently convolves the response with a Ricker wavelet with central frequency `cf`. If signal!=None, it carries out the Fourier transform and applies a gain to the response. Parameters ---------- src, rec, freqtime : survey parameters See docstring of :func:`dipole` for a description. depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV : model parameters See docstring of :func:`dipole` for a description. cf : float Centre frequency of GPR-signal, in Hz. Sensible values are between 10 MHz and 3000 MHz. gain : float Power of gain function. If None, no gain is applied. Only used if signal!=None. ht, htarg, ft, ftarg, xdirect, loop : settings, optinal See docstring of :func:`bipole` for a description. Returns ------- EM : ndarray GPR response """ # Get kwargs with defaults. out = get_kwargs(['verb', 'ht', 'htarg', 'ft', 'ftarg', 'xdirect', 'loop'], [2, 'quad', {}, 'fft', {}, False, None], kwargs) verb, ht, htarg, ft, ftarg, xdirect, loop = out if verb > 2: print(" GPR : EXPERIMENTAL, USE WITH CAUTION") print(f" > centre freq : {cf}") print(f" > gain : {gain}") # === 1. CHECK TIME ============ # Check times and Fourier Transform arguments, get required frequencies time, freq, ft, ftarg = check_time(freqtime, 0, ft, ftarg, verb) # === 2. CALL DIPOLE ============ EM = dipole(src=src, rec=rec, depth=depth, res=res, freqtime=freq, ab=ab, aniso=aniso, epermH=epermH, epermV=epermV, mpermH=mpermH, mpermV=mpermV, xdirect=xdirect, ht=ht, htarg=htarg, ft=ft, ftarg=ftarg, loop=loop, verb=verb) # === 3. GPR STUFF # Get required parameters src, nsrc = check_dipole(src, 'src', 0) rec, nrec = check_dipole(rec, 'rec', 0) off, _ = get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, 0) # Reshape output from dipole EM = EM.reshape((-1, nrec*nsrc), order='F') # Multiply with ricker wavelet cfc = -(np.r_[0, freq[:-1]]/cf)**2 fwave = cfc*np.exp(cfc) EM *= fwave[:, None] # Do f->t transform EM, conv = tem(EM, off, freq, time, 0, ft, ftarg) # In case of QWE/QUAD, print Warning if not converged conv_warning(conv, ftarg, 'Fourier', verb) # Apply gain; make pure real EM *= (1 + np.abs((time*10**9)**gain))[:, None] EM = EM.real # Reshape for number of sources EM = np.squeeze(EM.reshape((-1, nrec, nsrc), order='F')) return EM
[docs] def dipole_k(src, rec, depth, res, freq, wavenumber, ab=11, aniso=None, epermH=None, epermV=None, mpermH=None, mpermV=None, **kwargs): r"""Return electromagnetic wavenumber-domain field. Calculate the electromagnetic wavenumber-domain field due to infinitesimal small electric or magnetic dipole source(s), measured by infinitesimal small electric or magnetic dipole receiver(s); sources and receivers are directed along the principal directions x, y, or z, and all sources are at the same depth, as well as all receivers are at the same depth. See Also -------- :func:`dipole` : EM fields due to infinitesimal small EM dipoles. :func:`bipole` : EM fields due to arbitrary rotated, finite length EM dipoles. :func:`loop` : EM fields due to a magnetic source loop. Parameters ---------- src, rec : list of floats or arrays Source and receiver coordinates [x, y, z] (m): - For `N` sources or receivers, the x- and y-coordinates must be of size `N` or 1 (in the latter case it will be expanded to `N`); z is always a single value. - The x- and y-coordinates only matter for the angle-dependent factor. Sources or receivers placed on a layer interface are considered in the upper layer. depth : list Absolute layer interfaces z (m); #depth = #res - 1 (excluding +/- infinity). res : array_like Horizontal resistivities rho_h (Ohm.m); #res = #depth + 1. freq : array_like Frequencies f (Hz), used to calculate etaH/V and zetaH/V. wavenumber : array Wavenumbers lambda (1/m) ab : int, default: 11 Source-receiver configuration. +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | electric source | magnetic source | +===============+=======+======+======+======+======+======+======+ | | **x**| **y**| **z**| **x**| **y**| **z**| +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **x** | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | + **electric** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **y** | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | + **receiver** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **z** | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **x** | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | + **magnetic** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **y** | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | + **receiver** +-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | | **z** | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | +---------------+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ aniso : array_like, default: ones Anisotropies lambda = sqrt(rho_v/rho_h) (-); #aniso = #res. epermH, epermV : array_like, default: ones Relative horizontal/vertical electric permittivities epsilon_h/epsilon_v (-); #epermH = #epermV = #res. If epermH is provided but not epermV, isotropic behaviour is assumed. mpermH, mpermV : array_like, default: ones Relative horizontal/vertical magnetic permeabilities mu_h/mu_v (-); #mpermH = #mpermV = #res. If mpermH is provided but not mpermV, isotropic behaviour is assumed. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, default: 2 Level of verbosity: - 0: Print nothing. - 1: Print warnings. - 2: Print additional runtime and kernel calls - 3: Print additional start/stop, condensed parameter information. - 4: Print additional full parameter information Returns ------- PJ0, PJ1 : array Wavenumber-domain EM responses: - PJ0: Wavenumber-domain solution for the kernel with a Bessel function of the first kind of order zero. - PJ1: Wavenumber-domain solution for the kernel with a Bessel function of the first kind of order one. Examples -------- .. ipython:: In [1]: import empymod ...: import numpy as np ...: src = [0, 0, 100] ...: rec = [5000, 0, 200] ...: depth = [0, 300, 1000, 1050] ...: res = [1e20, .3, 1, 50, 1] ...: freq = 1 ...: wavenr = np.logspace(-3.7, -3.6, 10) ...: PJ0, PJ1 = empymod.dipole_k( ...: src, rec, depth, res, freq, wavenr, verb=0) ...: PJ0[0] Out[1]: (-2.5768974970445326e-08-2.0489943182087426e-09j) In [2]: PJ1[0] Out[2]: (1.9050482781619523e-10-6.842938067042929e-10j) """ # Get kwargs with defaults. verb = get_kwargs(['verb', ], [2, ], kwargs)[0] # === 1. LET'S START ============ t0 = printstartfinish(verb) # === 2. CHECK INPUT ============ # Check layer parameters (isfullspace not required) modl = check_model(depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, False, verb) depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, _ = modl # Check frequency => get etaH, etaV, zetaH, and zetaV f = check_frequency(freq, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, verb) freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV = f # Check src-rec configuration # => Get flags if src or rec or both are magnetic (msrc, mrec) ab_calc, msrc, mrec = check_ab(ab, verb) # Check src and rec src, nsrc = check_dipole(src, 'src', verb) rec, nrec = check_dipole(rec, 'rec', verb) # Get angle-dependent factor off, angle = get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, verb) ang_fact = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec) # Get layer number in which src and rec reside (lsrc/lrec) lsrc, zsrc = get_layer_nr(src, depth) lrec, zrec = get_layer_nr(rec, depth) # === 3. EM-FIELD CALCULATION ============ # Pre-allocate if off.size == 1 and np.ndim(wavenumber) == 2: PJ0 = np.zeros((freq.size, wavenumber.shape[0], wavenumber.shape[1]), dtype=etaH.dtype) PJ1 = np.zeros((freq.size, wavenumber.shape[0], wavenumber.shape[1]), dtype=etaH.dtype) else: PJ0 = np.zeros((freq.size, off.size, wavenumber.size), dtype=etaH.dtype) PJ1 = np.zeros((freq.size, off.size, wavenumber.size), dtype=etaH.dtype) # If <ab> = 36 (or 63), field is zero # In `bipole` and in `dipole`, this is taken care of in `fem`. Here we # have to take care of it separately if ab_calc not in [36, ]: # Calculate wavenumber response J0, J1, J0b = kernel.wavenumber(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, np.atleast_2d(wavenumber), ab_calc, False, msrc, mrec) # Collect output if J1 is not None: PJ1 += ang_fact[:, np.newaxis]*J1 if ab in [11, 12, 21, 22, 14, 24, 15, 25]: # Because of J2 # J2(kr) = 2/(kr)*J1(kr) - J0(kr) PJ1 /= off[:, None] if J0 is not None: PJ0 += J0 if J0b is not None: PJ0 += ang_fact[:, np.newaxis]*J0b # === 4. FINISHED ============ printstartfinish(verb, t0, 1) return np.squeeze(PJ0), np.squeeze(PJ1)
# Core modelling routines
[docs] def fem(ab, off, angle, zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdirect, isfullspace, ht, htarg, msrc, mrec, loop_freq, loop_off, conv=True): r"""Return electromagnetic frequency-domain response. This function is called from one of the modelling routines :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult those for more details regarding the input and output parameters. This function can be used directly if you are sure the provided input is in the correct format. This is useful for inversion routines and similar, as it can speed-up the calculation by omitting input-checks. """ # Preallocate array fEM = np.zeros((freq.size, off.size), dtype=etaH.dtype) # Initialize kernel count # (how many times the wavenumber-domain kernel was calld) kcount = 0 # If <ab> = 36 (or 63), fEM-field is zero if ab in [36, ]: return fEM, kcount, conv # Get full-space-solution if xdirect=True and model is a full-space or # if src and rec are in the same layer. if xdirect and (isfullspace or lsrc == lrec): fEM += kernel.fullspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH[:, lrec], etaV[:, lrec], zetaH[:, lrec], zetaV[:, lrec], ab, msrc, mrec) # If `xdirect = None` we set it here to True, so it is NOT calculated in # the wavenumber domain. (Only reflected fields are returned.) if xdirect is None: xdir = True else: xdir = xdirect # If not full-space with xdirect calculate fEM-field if not isfullspace*xdir: # Get angle dependent factors ang_fact = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec) calc = getattr(transform, 'hankel_'+ht) if loop_freq: for i in range(freq.size): out = calc(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, off, ang_fact, depth, ab, etaH[None, i, :], etaV[None, i, :], zetaH[None, i, :], zetaV[None, i, :], xdir, htarg, msrc, mrec) fEM[None, i, :] += out[0] kcount += out[1] conv *= out[2] elif loop_off: for i in range(off.size): out = calc(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, off[None, i], ang_fact[None, i], depth, ab, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdir, htarg, msrc, mrec) fEM[:, None, i] += out[0] kcount += out[1] conv *= out[2] else: out = calc(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, off, ang_fact, depth, ab, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdir, htarg, msrc, mrec) fEM += out[0] kcount += out[1] conv *= out[2] return fEM, kcount, conv
[docs] def tem(fEM, off, freq, time, signal, ft, ftarg, conv=True): r"""Return time-domain response of the frequency-domain response fEM. This function is called from one of the modelling routines :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult those for more details regarding the input and output parameters. This function can be used directly if you are sure the provided input is in the correct format. This is useful for inversion routines and similar, as it can speed-up the calculation by omitting input-checks. """ # 1. Scale frequencies if switch-on/off response # Step function for causal times is like a unit fct, therefore an impulse # in frequency domain if signal in [-1, 1]: # Divide by signal/(2j*pi*f) to obtain step response fact = signal/(2j*np.pi*freq).ravel() else: fact = 1 # 2. f->t transform calc = getattr(transform, 'fourier_'+ft) tEM = np.zeros((time.size, off.size)) for i in range(off.size): out = calc(fEM[:, i]*fact, time, freq, ftarg) tEM[:, i] += out[0] conv *= out[1] return tEM*2/np.pi, conv # Scaling from Fourier transform