Source code for empymod.utils

Utilities for :mod:`empymod.model` such as checking input parameters.

This module consists of four groups of functions:
   0. General settings
   1. Class EMArray
   2. Input parameter checks for modelling
   3. Internal utilities

# Copyright 2016 The emsig community.
# This file is part of empymod.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.

# Mandatory imports
import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from timeit import default_timer
from datetime import timedelta, datetime

# Relative imports
from empymod import filters, transform
from scooby import Report as ScoobyReport

# Version: We take care of it here instead of in __init__, so we can use it
# within the package itself (logs).
    # - Released versions just tags:       1.10.0
    # - GitHub commits add .dev#+hash:     1.10.1.dev3+g973038c
    # - Uncommitted changes add timestamp: 1.10.1.dev3+g973038c.d20191022
    from empymod.version import version as __version__
except ImportError:
    # If it was not installed, then we don't know the version. We could throw a
    # warning here, but this case *should* be rare. empymod should be installed
    # properly!
    __version__ = 'unknown-''%Y%m%d')

__all__ = ['EMArray', 'check_time_only', 'check_time', 'check_model',
           'check_frequency', 'check_hankel', 'check_loop', 'check_dipole',
           'check_bipole', 'check_ab', 'check_solution', 'get_abs',
           'get_geo_fact', 'get_azm_dip', 'get_off_ang', 'get_layer_nr',
           'printstartfinish', 'conv_warning', 'set_minimum', 'get_minimum',

# 0. General settings

_min_freq = 1e-20   # Minimum frequency  [Hz]
_min_time = 1e-20   # Minimum time       [s]
_min_off = 1e-3     # Minimum offset     [m]
#                   # > Also used to round src- & rec-coordinates (1e-3 => mm)
_min_res = 1e-20    # Minimum value for horizontal/vertical resistivity
_min_angle = 1e-10  # Angle factors smaller than that are set to 0

def __dir__():
    return __all__

# 1. Class EMArray

[docs] class EMArray(np.ndarray): r"""Create an EM-ndarray: add *amplitude* <amp> and *phase* <pha> methods. Parameters ---------- data : array Data to which to add `.amp` and `.pha` attributes. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from empymod.utils import EMArray >>> emvalues = EMArray(np.array([1+1j, 1-4j, -1+2j])) >>> print(f"Amplitude : {emvalues.amp()}") Amplitude : [1.41421356 4.12310563 2.23606798] >>> print(f"Phase (rad) : {emvalues.pha()}") Phase (rad) : [ 0.78539816 -1.32581766 -4.24874137] >>> print(f"Phase (deg) : {emvalues.pha(deg=True)}") Phase (deg) : [ 45. -75.96375653 -243.43494882] >>> print(f"Phase (deg; lead) : {emvalues.pha(deg=True, lag=False)}") Phase (deg; lead) : [-45. 75.96375653 243.43494882] """ def __new__(cls, data): r"""Create a new EMArray.""" return np.asarray(data).view(cls)
[docs] def amp(self): """Amplitude of the electromagnetic field.""" return np.abs(self.view())
[docs] def pha(self, deg=False, unwrap=True, lag=True): """Phase of the electromagnetic field. Parameters ---------- deg : bool If True the returned phase is in degrees, else in radians. Default is False (radians). unwrap : bool If True the returned phase is unwrapped. Default is True (unwrapped). lag : bool If True the returned phase is lag, else lead defined. Default is True (lag defined). """ # Get phase, lead or lag defined. if lag: pha = np.angle(self.view()) else: pha = np.angle(np.conj(self.view())) # Unwrap if `unwrap`. # np.unwrap removes the EMArray class; # for consistency, we wrap it in EMArray again. if unwrap and self.size > 1: pha = EMArray(np.unwrap(pha)) # Convert to degrees if `deg`. if deg: pha *= 180/np.pi return pha
# 2. Input parameter checks for modelling # 2.a <Check>s (alphabetically)
[docs] def check_ab(ab, verb): r"""Check source-receiver configuration. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- ab : int Source-receiver configuration. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- ab_calc : int Adjusted source-receiver configuration using reciprocity. msrc, mrec : bool If True, src/rec is magnetic; if False, src/rec is electric. """ # Try to cast ab into an integer try: ab = int(ab) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError("<ab> must be an integer.") from e # Check src and rec orientation (<ab> for alpha-beta) # pab: all possible values that <ab> can take pab = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66] if ab not in pab: raise ValueError(f"<ab> must be one of: {pab}; <ab> provided: {ab}.") # Print input <ab> if verb > 2: print(f" Input ab : {ab}") # Check if src and rec are magnetic or electric msrc = ab % 10 > 3 # If True: magnetic src mrec = ab // 10 > 3 # If True: magnetic rec # If rec is magnetic, switch <ab> using reciprocity. if mrec: if msrc: # G^mm_ab(s, r, e, z) = -G^ee_ab(s, r, -z, -e) ab_calc = ab - 33 # -30 : mrec->erec; -3: msrc->esrc else: # G^me_ab(s, r, e, z) = -G^em_ba(r, s, e, z) ab_calc = ab % 10*10 + ab // 10 # Swap alpha/beta else: ab_calc = ab # Print actual calculated <ab> if verb > 2: if ab in [36, 63]: print(f"\n> <ab> IS {ab} WHICH IS ZERO; returning") else: print(f" Calculated ab : {ab_calc}") return ab_calc, msrc, mrec
[docs] def check_bipole(inp, name): r"""Check di-/bipole parameters. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- inp : list of floats or arrays Coordinates of inp (m): [dipole-x, dipole-y, dipole-z, azimuth, dip] or. [bipole-x0, bipole-x1, bipole-y0, bipole-y1, bipole-z0, bipole-z1]. name : str, {'src', 'rec'} Pole-type. Returns ------- inp : list As input, checked for type and length. ninp : int Number of inp. ninpz : int Number of inp depths (ninpz is either 1 or ninp). isdipole : bool True if inp is a dipole. """ def chck_dipole(inp, name): r"""Check inp for shape and type.""" # Check x inp_x = _check_var(inp[0], float, 1, name+'-x') # Check y and ensure it has same dimension as x inp_y = _check_var(inp[1], float, 1, name+'-y', inp_x.shape) # Check z inp_z = _check_var(inp[2], float, 1, name+'-z', (1,), inp_x.shape) # Check if all depths are the same, if so replace by one value if np.all(np.isclose(inp_z-inp_z[0], 0)): inp_z = np.array([inp_z[0]]) return [inp_x, inp_y, inp_z] # Check length of inp. narr = len(inp) if narr not in [5, 6]: raise ValueError(f"Parameter {name} has wrong length! : " f"{narr} instead of 5 (dipole) or 6 (bipole).") # Flag if it is a dipole or not isdipole = narr == 5 if isdipole: # dipole checks # Check x, y, and z out = chck_dipole(inp, name) # Check azimuth and dip inp_a = _check_var(inp[3], float, 1, 'azimuth', (1,), out[0].shape) inp_d = _check_var(inp[4], float, 1, 'dip', (1,), out[0].shape) # How many different depths nz = out[2].size # Expand azimuth and dip to match number of depths if nz > 1: if inp_a.size == 1: inp_a = np.ones(nz)*inp_a if inp_d.size == 1: inp_d = np.ones(nz)*inp_d out = [*out, inp_a, inp_d] else: # bipole checks # Check each pole for x, y, and z out0 = chck_dipole(inp[::2], name+'-1') # [x0, y0, z0] out1 = chck_dipole(inp[1::2], name+'-2') # [x1, y1, z1] # If one pole has a single depth, but the other has various # depths, we have to repeat the single depth, as we will have # to loop over them. if out0[2].size != out1[2].size: if out0[2].size == 1: out0[2] = np.repeat(out0[2], out1[2].size) else: out1[2] = np.repeat(out1[2], out0[2].size) # Check if inp is a dipole instead of a bipole # (This is a problem, as we would could not define the angles then.) if not np.all((out0[0] != out1[0]) + (out0[1] != out1[1]) + (out0[2] != out1[2])): raise ValueError(f"At least one of <{name}> is a point dipole, " "use the format\n[x, y, z, azimuth, dip] " "instead of [x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1].") # Collect elements out = [out0[0], out1[0], out0[1], out1[1], out0[2], out1[2]] # How many different depths nz = out[4].size return out, out[0].size, nz, isdipole
[docs] def check_dipole(inp, name, verb): r"""Check dipole parameters. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- inp : list of floats or arrays Pole coordinates (m): [pole-x, pole-y, pole-z]. name : str, {'src', 'rec'} Pole-type. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- inp : list List of pole coordinates [x, y, z]. ninp : int Number of inp-elements """ # Check inp for x, y, and z; x & y must be of size N or 1, z is a float _check_shape(np.squeeze(np.asarray(inp, dtype=object)), name, (3,)) inp_x = _check_var(inp[0], float, 1, name+'-x') inp_y = _check_var(inp[1], float, 1, name+'-y') # Expand x or y coordinate if necessary. if inp_x.size != inp_y.size: if inp_x.size == 1: inp_x = np.repeat(inp_x, inp_y.size) elif inp_y.size == 1: inp_y = np.repeat(inp_y, inp_x.size) else: raise ValueError( f"Parameters {name}-x and {name}-y must be of same size or " f"be a single value; provided: {inp_x.shape}; {inp_y.shape}." ) inp_z = _check_var(inp[2], float, 1, name+'-z', (1,)) out = [inp_x, inp_y, inp_z] # Print spatial parameters if verb > 2: # Pole-type: src or rec if name == 'src': longname = ' Source(s) : ' else: longname = ' Receiver(s) : ' print(f"{longname} {out[0].size} dipole(s)") tname = ['x ', 'y ', 'z '] for i in range(3): text = " > " + tname[i] + " [m] : " _prnt_min_max_val(out[i], text, verb) return out, out[0].size
[docs] def check_frequency(freq, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, verb): r"""Calculate frequency-dependent parameters. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- freq : array_like Frequencies f (Hz). res : array_like Horizontal resistivities rho_h (Ohm.m); #res = #depth + 1. aniso : array_like Anisotropies lambda = sqrt(rho_v/rho_h) (-); #aniso = #res. epermH, epermV : array_like Relative horizontal/vertical electric permittivities epsilon_h/epsilon_v (-); #epermH = #epermV = #res. mpermH, mpermV : array_like Relative horizontal/vertical magnetic permeabilities mu_h/mu_v (-); #mpermH = #mpermV = #res. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- freq : float Frequency, checked for size and assured min_freq. etaH, etaV : array Parameters etaH/etaV, same size as provided resistivity. zetaH, zetaV : array Parameters zetaH/zetaV, same size as provided resistivity. """ global _min_freq # Check if the user provided a model for etaH/etaV/zetaH/zetaV if isinstance(res, dict): res = res['res'] # Check frequency freq = _check_var(freq, float, 1, 'freq') # As soon as at least one freq >0, we assume frequencies. Only if ALL are # below 0 we assume Laplace and take the negative of it. if np.any(freq > 0): laplace = False text_min = "Frequencies" text_verb = " frequency" else: laplace = True freq = -freq text_min = "Laplace val" text_verb = " s-value " # Minimum frequency to avoid division by zero at freq = 0 Hz. # => min_freq can be set with utils.set_min freq = _check_min(freq, _min_freq, text_min, "Hz", verb) if verb > 2: _prnt_min_max_val(freq, text_verb+" [Hz] : ", verb) # Define Laplace parameter sval. if laplace: sval = freq else: sval = 2j*np.pi*freq # Calculate eta and zeta (horizontal and vertical) c = 299792458 # Speed of light m/s mu_0 = 4e-7*np.pi # Magn. permeability of free space [H/m] epsilon_0 = 1./(mu_0*c*c) # Elec. permittivity of free space [F/m] etaH = 1/res + np.outer(sval, epermH*epsilon_0) etaV = 1/(res*aniso*aniso) + np.outer(sval, epermV*epsilon_0) zetaH = np.outer(sval, mpermH*mu_0) zetaV = np.outer(sval, mpermV*mu_0) return freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV
[docs] def check_hankel(ht, htarg, verb): r"""Check Hankel transform parameters. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- ht : {'dlf', 'qwe', 'quad'} Flag to choose the Hankel transform. htarg : dict Arguments of Hankel transform; depends on the value for `ht`. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- ht, htarg Checked if valid and set to defaults if not provided. """ # Ensure ht is all lowercase ht = ht.lower() # Initiate output dict targ = {} args = copy.deepcopy(htarg) if ht == 'dlf': # DLF # If filter is a name (str), get it targ['dlf'] = args.pop('dlf', filters.Hankel().key_201_2009) if isinstance(targ['dlf'], str): targ['dlf'] = getattr(filters.Hankel(), targ['dlf']) # Ensure the provided filter has the necessary attributes. base = hasattr(targ['dlf'], 'base') j0 = hasattr(targ['dlf'], 'j0') j1 = hasattr(targ['dlf'], 'j1') factor = hasattr(targ['dlf'], 'factor') if not base or not j0 or not j1 or not factor: raise AttributeError( "DLF-filter is missing some attributes; " f"base: {base}; j0: {j0}; j1: {j1}; factor: {factor}.") # Check dimension and type of pts_per_dec targ['pts_per_dec'] = _check_var( args.pop('pts_per_dec', 0.0), float, 0, 'dlf: pts_per_dec', ()) # If verbose, print Hankel transform information if verb > 2: print(" Hankel : DLF (Fast Hankel Transform)") print(f" > Filter : {targ['dlf'].name}") pstr = " > DLF type : " if targ['pts_per_dec'] < 0: print(f"{pstr}Lagged Convolution") elif targ['pts_per_dec'] > 0: print(f"{pstr}Splined, {targ['pts_per_dec']} pts/dec") else: print(f"{pstr}Standard") elif ht == 'qwe': # QWE # rtol : 1e-12 targ['rtol'] = _check_var( args.pop('rtol', 1e-12), float, 0, 'qwe: rtol', ()) # atol : 1e-30 targ['atol'] = _check_var( args.pop('atol', 1e-30), float, 0, 'qwe: atol', ()) # nquad : 51 targ['nquad'] = _check_var( args.pop('nquad', 51), int, 0, 'qwe: nquad', ()) # maxint : 100 targ['maxint'] = _check_var( args.pop('maxint', 100), int, 0, 'qwe: maxint', ()) # pts_per_dec : 0 # No spline pts_per_dec = _check_var( args.pop('pts_per_dec', 0), int, 0, 'qwe: pts_per_dec', ()) targ['pts_per_dec'] = _check_min( pts_per_dec, 0, 'pts_per_dec', '', verb) # diff_quad : 100 targ['diff_quad'] = _check_var( args.pop('diff_quad', 100), float, 0, 'qwe: diff_quad', ()) # a : None targ['a'] = args.pop('a', None) if targ['a'] is not None: targ['a'] = _check_var(targ['a'], float, 0, 'qwe: a (quad)', ()) # b : None targ['b'] = args.pop('b', None) if targ['b'] is not None: targ['b'] = _check_var(targ['b'], float, 0, 'qwe: b (quad)', ()) # limit : None targ['limit'] = args.pop('limit', None) if targ['limit'] is not None: targ['limit'] = _check_var( targ['limit'], int, 0, 'qwe: limit (quad)', ()) # If verbose, print Hankel transform information if verb > 2: print(" Hankel : Quadrature-with-Extrapolation") print(f" > rtol : {targ['rtol']}") print(f" > atol : {targ['atol']}") print(f" > nquad : {targ['nquad']}") print(f" > maxint : {targ['maxint']}") print(f" > pts_per_dec : {targ['pts_per_dec']}") print(f" > diff_quad : {targ['diff_quad']}") if targ['a']: print(f" > a (quad): {targ['a']}") if targ['b']: print(f" > b (quad): {targ['b']}") if targ['limit']: print(f" > limit (quad): {targ['limit']}") elif ht in 'quad': # QUAD # rtol : 1e-12 targ['rtol'] = _check_var( args.pop('rtol', 1e-12), float, 0, 'quad: rtol', ()) # atol : 1e-20 targ['atol'] = _check_var( args.pop('atol', 1e-20), float, 0, 'quad: atol', ()) # limit : 500 targ['limit'] = _check_var( args.pop('limit', 500), int, 0, 'quad: limit', ()) # a : 1e-6 targ['a'] = _check_var(args.pop('a', 1e-6), float, 0, 'quad: a', ()) # b : 0.1 targ['b'] = _check_var(args.pop('b', 0.1), float, 0, 'quad: b', ()) # pts_per_dec : 40 pts_per_dec = _check_var( args.pop('pts_per_dec', 40), int, 0, 'quad: pts_per_dec', ()) targ['pts_per_dec'] = _check_min( pts_per_dec, 1, 'pts_per_dec', '', verb) # If verbose, print Hankel transform information if verb > 2: print(" Hankel : Quadrature") print(f" > rtol : {targ['rtol']}") print(f" > atol : {targ['atol']}") print(f" > limit : {targ['limit']}") print(f" > a : {targ['a']}") print(f" > b : {targ['b']}") print(f" > pts_per_dec : {targ['pts_per_dec']}") else: raise ValueError("<ht> must be one of: ['dlf', 'qwe', 'quad'];" f" <ht> provided: {ht}.") # Check remaining arguments. if args and verb > 0: print(f"* WARNING :: Unknown htarg {args} for method '{ht}'") return ht, targ
[docs] def check_model(depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, xdirect, verb): r"""Check the model: depth and corresponding layer parameters. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- depth : list Absolute layer interfaces z (m); #depth = #res - 1 (excluding +/- infinity). res : array_like Horizontal resistivities rho_h (Ohm.m); #res = #depth + 1. aniso : array_like Anisotropies lambda = sqrt(rho_v/rho_h) (-); #aniso = #res. epermH, epermV : array_like Relative horizontal/vertical electric permittivities epsilon_h/epsilon_v (-); #epermH = #epermV = #res. mpermH, mpermV : array_like Relative horizontal/vertical magnetic permeabilities mu_h/mu_v (-); #mpermH = #mpermV = #res. xdirect : bool, optional If True and source and receiver are in the same layer, the direct field is calculated analytically in the frequency domain, if False it is calculated in the wavenumber domain. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- depth : array Depths of layer interfaces, adds -inf at beginning if not present. res : array As input, checked for size. aniso : array As input, checked for size. If None, defaults to an array of ones. epermH, epermV : array_like As input, checked for size. If None, defaults to an array of ones. mpermH, mpermV : array_like As input, checked for size. If None, defaults to an array of ones. isfullspace : bool If True, the model is a fullspace (res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermM, and mpermV are in all layers the same). """ global _min_res # Check depth if depth is None: depth = [] depth = _check_var(depth, float, 1, 'depth') # If all depths are decreasing, swap depth and parameters. if depth.size > 1 and np.all(depth[1:] - depth[:-1] < 0): swap = -1 else: swap = 1 depth = depth[::swap] # Ensure depth is increasing if np.any(depth[1:] - depth[:-1] < 0): raise ValueError(f"Depth must be continuously increasing or decreasing" f".\n<depth> provided: {_strvar(depth[::swap])}.") # Add -infinity at the beginning # => The top-layer (-infinity to first interface) is layer 0. if depth.size == 0: depth = np.array([-np.inf, ]) else: if depth[0] != -np.inf: depth = np.r_[-np.inf, depth] # Remove +np.inf (can be used to define 2-layer coordinate system). if depth[-1] == np.inf: depth = depth[:-1] # Check if the user provided a model for etaH/etaV/zetaH/zetaV if isinstance(res, dict): res_dict, res = res, res['res'] else: res_dict = False # Cast and check resistivity res = _check_var(res, float, 1, 'res', depth.shape) # => min_res can be set with utils.set_min res = _check_min(res, _min_res, 'Resistivities', 'Ohm.m', verb) # Check optional parameters anisotropy, electric permittivity, and magnetic # permeability def check_inp(var, name, min_val): r"""Param-check function. Default to ones if not provided""" if var is None: return np.ones(depth.size) else: param = _check_var(var, float, 1, name, depth.shape) if name == 'aniso': # Convert aniso into vertical resistivity param = param**2*res param = _check_min(param, min_val, 'Parameter ' + name, '', verb) if name == 'aniso': # Convert vert. resistivity back to aniso param = np.sqrt(param/res) return param # => min_res can be set with utils.set_min aniso = check_inp(aniso, 'aniso', _min_res) epermH = check_inp(epermH, 'epermH', 0.0) # We assume isotropic behaviour if epermH was provided but not epermV if epermV is None: epermV = epermH else: epermV = check_inp(epermV, 'epermV', 0.0) mpermH = check_inp(mpermH, 'mpermH', 0.0) # We assume isotropic behaviour if mpermH was provided but not mpermV if mpermV is None: mpermV = mpermH else: mpermV = check_inp(mpermV, 'mpermV', 0.0) # Swap parameters if depths were given in reverse. res = res[::swap] aniso = aniso[::swap] epermH = epermH[::swap] epermV = epermV[::swap] mpermH = mpermH[::swap] mpermV = mpermV[::swap] # Print model parameters if verb > 2: print(f" depth [m] : {_strvar(depth[1:])}") print(f" res [Ohm.m] : {_strvar(res)}") print(f" aniso [-] : {_strvar(aniso)}") print(f" epermH [-] : {_strvar(epermH)}") print(f" epermV [-] : {_strvar(epermV)}") print(f" mpermH [-] : {_strvar(mpermH)}") print(f" mpermV [-] : {_strvar(mpermV)}") # Check if medium is a homogeneous full-space. If that is the case, the # EM-field is computed analytically directly in the frequency-domain. # Note: Also a stack of layers with the same material parameters is treated # as a homogeneous full-space. isores = (res - res[0] == 0).all()*(aniso - aniso[0] == 0).all() isoep = (epermH - epermH[0] == 0).all()*(epermV - epermV[0] == 0).all() isomp = (mpermH - mpermH[0] == 0).all()*(mpermV - mpermV[0] == 0).all() isfullspace = isores*isoep*isomp # Check parameters of user-provided parameters if res_dict: # Switch off fullspace-option isfullspace = False # Loop over key, value pair and check for key, value in res_dict.items(): if key not in ['res', 'func_eta', 'func_zeta']: res_dict[key] = check_inp(value, key, None) # Put res back res_dict['res'] = res # store res_dict back to res res = res_dict # Print fullspace info if verb > 2 and isfullspace: if xdirect: print("\n> MODEL IS A FULLSPACE; returning analytical " "frequency-domain solution") else: print("\n> MODEL IS A FULLSPACE") # Print xdirect info if verb > 2: if xdirect is None: print(" direct field : Not calculated (secondary field)") elif xdirect: print(" direct field : Comp. in frequency domain") else: print(" direct field : Comp. in wavenumber domain") return depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, isfullspace
[docs] def check_loop(loop, ht, htarg, verb): r"""Check loop parameter. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- loop : {None, 'freq', 'off'} Loop flag. ht : {'dlf', 'qwe', 'quad'} Flag to choose the Hankel transform. htarg : dict Arguments of Hankel transform; depends on the value for `ht`. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- loop_freq : bool Boolean if to loop over frequencies. loop_off : bool Boolean if to loop over offsets. """ # Define if to loop over frequencies or over offsets lagged_splined_dlf = False if ht == 'dlf': if htarg['pts_per_dec'] != 0: lagged_splined_dlf = True if ht in ['qwe', 'quad'] or lagged_splined_dlf: loop_freq = True loop_off = False else: loop_off = loop == 'off' loop_freq = loop == 'freq' # If verbose, print loop information if verb > 2: if loop_off: print(" Loop over : Offsets") elif loop_freq: print(" Loop over : Frequencies") else: print(" Loop over : None (all vectorized)") return loop_freq, loop_off
[docs] def check_time(time, signal, ft, ftarg, verb): r"""Check time domain specific input parameters. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- time : array_like Times t (s). signal : {None, 0, 1, -1} Source signal: - None: Frequency-domain response - -1 : Switch-off time-domain response - 0 : Impulse time-domain response - +1 : Switch-on time-domain response ft : {'dlf', 'qwe', 'fftlog', 'fft'} Flag for Fourier transform. ftarg : dict Arguments of Fourier transform; depends on the value for `ft`. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- time : float Time, checked for size and assured min_time. freq : float Frequencies required for given times and ft-settings. ft, ftarg Checked if valid and set to defaults if not provided, checked with signal. """ # Check time and input signal time = check_time_only(time, signal, verb) # Ensure ft is all lowercase ft = ft.lower() # Initiate output dict targ = {} args = copy.deepcopy(ftarg) if ft == 'dlf': # Fourier-DLF (sin/cos-filters) # Check dimension and type of pts_per_dec targ['pts_per_dec'] = _check_var( args.pop('pts_per_dec', -1.0), float, 0, 'dlf: pts_per_dec', ()) # Check kind; if switch-off/on is required, ensure kind is cosine/sine targ['kind'] = args.pop('kind', 'sin') if signal > 0: targ['kind'] = 'sin' elif signal < 0: targ['kind'] = 'cos' if targ['kind'] not in ['sin', 'cos']: raise ValueError("'kind' must be either 'sin' or 'cos'; " f"provided: {targ['kind']}.") # If filter is a name (str), get it targ['dlf'] = args.pop('dlf', filters.Fourier().key_201_2012) if isinstance(targ['dlf'], str): targ['dlf'] = getattr(filters.Fourier(), targ['dlf']) # Ensure the provided filter has the necessary attributes. base = hasattr(targ['dlf'], 'base') if targ['kind'] == 'sin': sincos = hasattr(targ['dlf'], 'sin') else: sincos = hasattr(targ['dlf'], 'cos') factor = hasattr(targ['dlf'], 'factor') if not base or not sincos or not factor: raise AttributeError( "DLF-filter is missing some attributes; base: " f"{base}; {targ['kind']}: {sincos}; factor: {factor}.") # If verbose, print Fourier transform information if verb > 2: if targ['kind'] == 'sin': print(" Fourier : DLF (Sine-Filter)") else: print(" Fourier : DLF (Cosine-Filter)") print(f" > Filter : {targ['dlf'].name}") pstr = " > DLF type : " if targ['pts_per_dec'] < 0: print(f"{pstr}Lagged Convolution") elif targ['pts_per_dec'] > 0: print(f"{pstr}Splined, {targ['pts_per_dec']} pts/dec") else: print(f"{pstr}Standard") # Get required frequencies omega, _ = transform.get_dlf_points( targ['dlf'], time, targ['pts_per_dec']) freq = np.squeeze(omega/2/np.pi) elif ft == 'qwe': # QWE (using sine and imag-part) # If switch-off is required, use cosine, else sine args.pop('sincos', None) if signal >= 0: targ['sincos'] = np.sin else: targ['sincos'] = np.cos # rtol : 1e-8 targ['rtol'] = _check_var( args.pop('rtol', 1e-8), float, 0, 'qwe: rtol', ()) # atol : 1e-20 targ['atol'] = _check_var( args.pop('atol', 1e-20), float, 0, 'qwe: atol', ()) # nquad : 21 targ['nquad'] = _check_var( args.pop('nquad', 21), int, 0, 'qwe: nquad', ()) # maxint : 200 targ['maxint'] = _check_var( args.pop('maxint', 200), int, 0, 'qwe: maxint', ()) # pts_per_dec : 20 pts_per_dec = _check_var( args.pop('pts_per_dec', 20), int, 0, 'qwe: pts_per_dec', ()) targ['pts_per_dec'] = _check_min( pts_per_dec, 1, 'pts_per_dec', '', verb) # diff_quad : 100 targ['diff_quad'] = _check_var( args.pop('diff_quad', 100), int, 0, 'qwe: diff_quad', ()) # a : None targ['a'] = args.pop('a', None) if targ['a'] is not None: targ['a'] = _check_var(targ['a'], float, 0, 'qwe: a (quad)', ()) # b : None targ['b'] = args.pop('b', None) if targ['b'] is not None: targ['b'] = _check_var(targ['b'], float, 0, 'qwe: b (quad)', ()) # limit : None targ['limit'] = args.pop('limit', None) if targ['limit'] is not None: targ['limit'] = _check_var( targ['limit'], int, 0, 'qwe: limit (quad)', ()) # If verbose, print Fourier transform information if verb > 2: print(" Fourier : Quadrature-with-Extrapolation") print(f" > rtol : {targ['rtol']}") print(f" > atol : {targ['atol']}") print(f" > nquad : {targ['nquad']}") print(f" > maxint : {targ['maxint']}") print(f" > pts_per_dec : {targ['pts_per_dec']}") print(f" > diff_quad : {targ['diff_quad']}") if targ['a']: print(f" > a (quad): {targ['a']}") if targ['b']: print(f" > b (quad): {targ['b']}") if targ['limit']: print(f" > limit (quad): {targ['limit']}") # Get required frequencies g_x, _ = sp.special.roots_legendre(targ['nquad']) minf = np.floor(10*np.log10((g_x.min() + 1)*np.pi/2/time.max()))/10 maxf = np.ceil(10*np.log10(targ['maxint']*np.pi/time.min()))/10 freq = np.logspace(minf, maxf, int((maxf-minf)*targ['pts_per_dec']+1)) elif ft == 'fftlog': # FFTLog (using sine and imag-part) # pts_per_dec : 10 pts_per_dec = _check_var( args.pop('pts_per_dec', 10), int, 0, 'fftlog: pts_per_dec', ()) targ['pts_per_dec'] = _check_min( pts_per_dec, 1, 'pts_per_dec', '', verb) # add_dec : [-2, 1] targ['add_dec'] = _check_var( args.pop('add_dec', np.array([-2, 1])), float, 1, 'fftlog: add_dec', (2,)) # q : 0 targ['q'] = _check_var(args.pop('q', 0), float, 0, 'fftlog: q', ()) # Restrict q to +/- 1 if np.abs(targ['q']) > 1: targ['q'] = np.sign(targ['q']) # If switch-off is required, use cosine, else sine args.pop('mu', None) if signal >= 0: targ['mu'] = 0.5 else: targ['mu'] = -0.5 # If verbose, print Fourier transform information if verb > 2: print(" Fourier : FFTLog") print(f" > pts_per_dec : {targ['pts_per_dec']}") print(f" > add_dec : {targ['add_dec']}") print(f" > q : {targ['q']}") # Calculate minimum and maximum required frequency minf = np.log10(1/time.max()) + targ['add_dec'][0] maxf = np.log10(1/time.min()) + targ['add_dec'][1] n = np.int64(maxf - minf)*targ['pts_per_dec'] # Initialize FFTLog, get required parameters freq, tcalc, dlnr, kr, rk = transform.get_fftlog_input( minf, maxf, n, targ['q'], targ['mu']) targ['tcalc'] = tcalc targ['dlnr'] = dlnr targ['kr'] = kr targ['rk'] = rk for name in ['tcalc', 'dlnr', 'kr', 'rk']: # So they don't get caught in the args-check. args.pop(name, None) elif ft == 'fft': # FFT # Keys: dfreq, nfreq, ntot, pts_per_dec, fftfreq # dfreq : 0.002 targ['dfreq'] = _check_var( args.pop('dfreq', 0.002), float, 0, 'fft: dfreq', ()) # nfreq : 2048 targ['nfreq'] = _check_var( args.pop('nfreq', 2048), int, 0, 'fft: nfreq', ()) # ntot nall = 2**np.arange(30) targ['ntot'] = _check_var( args.pop('ntot', nall[np.argmax(nall >= targ['nfreq'])]), # (*) int, 0, 'fft: ntot', ()) # Assure that input ntot is not bigger than nfreq if targ['nfreq'] > targ['ntot']: targ['ntot'] = nall[np.argmax(nall >= targ['nfreq'])] # (*) We could use here fftpack.next_fast_len, but tests have shown # that powers of two yield better results in this case. # pts_per_dec : None targ['pts_per_dec'] = args.pop('pts_per_dec', None) if targ['pts_per_dec'] is not None: pts_per_dec = _check_var( targ['pts_per_dec'], int, 0, 'fft: pts_per_dec', ()) targ['pts_per_dec'] = _check_min( pts_per_dec, 1, 'pts_per_dec', '', verb) # Get required frequencies if targ['pts_per_dec']: # Space actually calc. freqs logarithmically. start = np.log10(targ['dfreq']) stop = np.log10(targ['nfreq']*targ['dfreq']) freq = np.logspace( start, stop, int((stop-start)*targ['pts_per_dec'] + 1)) else: freq = np.arange(1, targ['nfreq']+1)*targ['dfreq'] # If verbose, print Fourier transform information if verb > 2: print(" Fourier : Fast Fourier Transform FFT") print(f" > dfreq : {targ['dfreq']}") print(f" > nfreq : {targ['nfreq']}") print(f" > ntot : {targ['ntot']}") if targ['pts_per_dec']: print(f" > pts_per_dec : {targ['pts_per_dec']}") else: print(" > pts_per_dec : (linear)") else: raise ValueError("<ft> must be one of: ['dlf', 'qwe', " f"'fftlog', 'fft']; <ft> provided: {ft}") # Check remaining arguments. if args and verb > 0: print(f"* WARNING :: Unknown ftarg {args} for method '{ft}'") return time, freq, ft, targ
[docs] def check_time_only(time, signal, verb): r"""Check time and signal parameters. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- time : array_like Times t (s). signal : {None, 0, 1, -1} Source signal: - None: Frequency-domain response - -1 : Switch-off time-domain response - 0 : Impulse time-domain response - +1 : Switch-on time-domain response verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- time : float Time, checked for size and assured min_time. """ global _min_time # Check input signal if int(signal) not in [-1, 0, 1]: raise ValueError("<signal> must be one of: [None, -1, 0, 1]; " f"<signal> provided: {signal}") # Check time time = _check_var(time, float, 1, 'time') # Minimum time to avoid division by zero at time = 0 s. # => min_time can be set with utils.set_min time = _check_min(time, _min_time, 'Times', 's', verb) if verb > 2: _prnt_min_max_val(time, " time [s] : ", verb) return time
[docs] def check_solution(solution, signal, ab, msrc, mrec): r"""Check required solution with parameters. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- solution : str String to define analytical solution. signal : {None, 0, 1, -1} Source signal: - None: Frequency-domain response - -1 : Switch-off time-domain response - 0 : Impulse time-domain response - +1 : Switch-on time-domain response msrc, mrec : bool True if src/rec is magnetic, else False. """ # Ensure valid solution. if solution not in ['fs', 'dfs', 'dhs', 'dsplit', 'dtetm']: raise ValueError( "Solution must be one of ['fs', 'dfs', 'dhs', " f"'dsplit', 'dtetm']; <solution> provided: {solution}") # If diffusive solution is required, ensure EE-field. if solution[0] == 'd' and (msrc or mrec): raise ValueError( "Diffusive solution is only implemented for electric " f"sources and electric receivers, <ab> provided: {ab}") # If full solution is required, ensure frequency-domain. if solution == 'fs' and signal is not None: raise ValueError( "Full fullspace solution is only implemented for " f"the frequency domain, <signal> provided: {signal}")
# 2.b <Get>s (alphabetically)
[docs] def get_abs(msrc, mrec, srcazm, srcdip, recazm, recdip, verb): r"""Get required ab's for given angles. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- msrc, mrec : bool True if src/rec is magnetic, else False. srcazm, recazm : float Horizontal source/receiver angle (azimuth). srcdip, recdip : float Vertical source/receiver angle (dip). verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- ab_calc : array of int ab's to calculate for this bipole. """ # Get required ab's (9 at most) ab_calc = np.array([[11, 12, 13], [21, 22, 23], [31, 32, 33]]) if msrc: ab_calc += 3 if mrec: ab_calc += 30 # Switch <ab> using reciprocity. if msrc: # G^mm_ab(s, r, e, z) = -G^ee_ab(s, r, -z, -e) ab_calc -= 33 # -30 : mrec->erec; -3: msrc->esrc else: # G^me_ab(s, r, e, z) = -G^em_ba(r, s, e, z) ab_calc = ab_calc % 10*10 + ab_calc // 10 # Swap alpha/beta # Remove unnecessary ab's bab = np.asarray(ab_calc*0+1, dtype=np.bool_) # Remove if source is x- or y-directed check = np.atleast_1d(srcazm) if np.allclose(srcazm % (np.pi/2), 0): # if all angles are multiples of 90 if np.all(np.isclose(check // (np.pi/2) % 2, 0)): # Multiples of pi (180) bab[:, 1] *= False # x-directed source, remove y elif np.all(np.isclose(check // (np.pi/2) % 2, 1)): # Multiples of pi/2 (90) bab[:, 0] *= False # y-directed source, remove x # Remove if source is vertical check = np.atleast_1d(srcdip) if np.allclose(srcdip % (np.pi/2), 0): # if all angles are multiples of 90 if np.all(np.isclose(check // (np.pi/2) % 2, 0)): # Multiples of pi (180) bab[:, 2] *= False # Horizontal, remove z elif np.all(np.isclose(check // (np.pi/2) % 2, 1)): # Multiples of pi/2 (90) bab[:, :2] *= False # Vertical, remove x/y # Remove if receiver is x- or y-directed check = np.atleast_1d(recazm) if np.allclose(recazm % (np.pi/2), 0): # if all angles are multiples of 90 if np.all(np.isclose(check // (np.pi/2) % 2, 0)): # Multiples of pi (180) bab[1, :] *= False # x-directed receiver, remove y elif np.all(np.isclose(check // (np.pi/2) % 2, 1)): # Multiples of pi/2 (90) bab[0, :] *= False # y-directed receiver, remove x # Remove if receiver is vertical check = np.atleast_1d(recdip) if np.allclose(recdip % (np.pi/2), 0): # if all angles are multiples of 90 if np.all(np.isclose(check // (np.pi/2) % 2, 0)): # Multiples of pi (180) bab[2, :] *= False # Horizontal, remove z elif np.all(np.isclose(check // (np.pi/2) % 2, 1)): # Multiples of pi/2 (90) bab[:2, :] *= False # Vertical, remove x/y # Reduce ab_calc = ab_calc[bab].ravel() # Print actual calculated <ab> if verb > 2: print(f" Required ab's : {_strvar(ab_calc)}") return ab_calc
[docs] def get_geo_fact(ab, srcazm, srcdip, recazm, recdip, msrc, mrec): r"""Get required geometrical scaling factor for given angles. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- ab : int Source-receiver configuration. srcazm, recazm : float Horizontal source/receiver angle. srcdip, recdip : float Vertical source/receiver angle. Returns ------- fact : float Geometrical scaling factor. """ global _min_angle # Get current direction for source and receiver fis = ab % 10 fir = ab // 10 # If rec is magnetic and src not, swap directions (reciprocity). # (They have been swapped in get_abs, but the original scaling applies.) if mrec and not msrc: fis, fir = fir, fis def gfact(bp, azm, dip): r"""Geometrical factor of source or receiver.""" if bp in [1, 4]: # x-directed return np.cos(azm)*np.cos(dip) elif bp in [2, 5]: # y-directed return np.sin(azm)*np.cos(dip) else: # z-directed return np.sin(dip) # Calculate src-rec-factor fsrc = gfact(fis, srcazm, srcdip) frec = gfact(fir, recazm, recdip) fact = np.outer(frec, fsrc) # Set very small angles to proper zero (because e.g. sin(pi/2) != exact 0) # => min_angle can be set with utils.set_min fact[np.abs(fact) < _min_angle] = 0 return fact
[docs] def get_layer_nr(inp, depth): r"""Get number of layer in which inp resides. .. note:: If zinp is on a layer interface, the layer above the interface is chosen. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- inp : list of floats or arrays Dipole coordinates (m) depth : array Depths of layer interfaces. Returns ------- linp : int or array_like of int Layer number(s) in which inp resides (plural only if bipole). zinp : float or array inp[2] (depths). """ zinp = np.array(inp[2], dtype=np.float64) # depth = [-inf : last interface]; create additional depth-array # pdepth = [fist interface : +inf] pdepth = np.concatenate((depth[1:], np.array([np.inf]))) # Broadcast arrays b_zinp = np.atleast_1d(zinp)[:, None] # Get layers linp = np.where((depth[None, :] < b_zinp)*(pdepth[None, :] >= b_zinp))[1] # Return; squeeze in case of only one inp-depth return np.squeeze(linp), np.squeeze(zinp)
[docs] def get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, verb): r"""Get depths, offsets, angles, hence spatial input parameters. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- src, rec : list of floats or arrays Source/receiver dipole coordinates x, y, and z (m). nsrc, nrec : int Number of sources/receivers (-). verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- off : array of floats Offsets angle : array of floats Angles """ global _min_off # Pre-allocate off and angle off = np.empty((nrec*nsrc,)) angle = np.empty((nrec*nsrc,)) # Coordinates # Loop over sources, append them one after another. for i in range(nsrc): xco = rec[0] - src[0][i] # X-coordinates [m] yco = rec[1] - src[1][i] # Y-coordinates [m] off[i*nrec:(i+1)*nrec] = np.sqrt(xco*xco + yco*yco) # Offset [m] angle[i*nrec:(i+1)*nrec] = np.arctan2(yco, xco) # Angle [rad] # Note: One could achieve a potential speed-up using np.unique to sort out # src-rec configurations that have the same offset and angle. Very unlikely # for real data. # Minimum offset to avoid singularities at off = 0 m. # => min_off can be set with utils.set_min off = _check_min(off, _min_off, 'Offsets', 'm', verb) return off, angle
[docs] def get_azm_dip(inp, iz, ninpz, intpts, isdipole, strength, name, verb): r"""Get angles, interpolation weights and normalization weights. This check-function is called from one of the modelling routines in :mod:`empymod.model`. Consult these modelling routines for a detailed description of the input parameters. Parameters ---------- inp : list of floats or arrays Input coordinates (m): - [x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1] (bipole of finite length) - [x, y, z, azimuth, dip] (dipole, infinitesimal small) iz : int Index of current di-/bipole depth (-). ninpz : int Total number of di-/bipole depths (ninpz = 1 or npinz = nsrc) (-). intpts : int Number of integration points for bipole (-). isdipole : bool Boolean if inp is a dipole. strength : float, optional Source strength (A): - If 0, output is normalized to source and receiver of 1 m length, and source strength of 1 A. - If != 0, output is returned for given source and receiver length, and source strength. name : str, {'src', 'rec'} Pole-type. verb : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Level of verbosity. Returns ------- tout : list of floats or arrays Dipole coordinates x, y, and z (m). azm : float or array of floats Horizontal angle (azimuth). dip : float or array of floats Vertical angle (dip). g_w : float or array of floats Factors from Gaussian interpolation. intpts : int As input, checked. inp_w : float or array of floats Factors from source/receiver length and source strength. """ global _min_off # Get this di-/bipole if ninpz == 1: # If there is only one distinct depth, all at once tinp = inp else: # If there are several depths, we take the current one if isdipole: tinp = [np.atleast_1d(inp[0][iz]), np.atleast_1d(inp[1][iz]), np.atleast_1d(inp[2][iz]), np.atleast_1d(inp[3][iz]), np.atleast_1d(inp[4][iz])] else: tinp = [inp[0][iz], inp[1][iz], inp[2][iz], inp[3][iz], inp[4][iz], inp[5][iz]] # Check source strength variable strength = _check_var(strength, float, 0, 'strength', ()) # Dipole/Bipole specific if isdipole: # If input is a dipole, set intpts to 1 intpts = 1 # Check azm azm = _check_var(np.deg2rad(tinp[3]), float, 1, 'azimuth') # Check dip dip = _check_var(np.deg2rad(tinp[4]), float, 1, 'dip') # If dipole, g_w are ones g_w = np.ones(tinp[0].size) # If dipole, inp_w are ones, unless strength > 0 inp_w = np.ones(tinp[0].size) if name == 'src' and strength > 0: inp_w *= strength # Collect output tout = tinp else: # Get lengths in each direction dx = np.squeeze(tinp[1] - tinp[0]) dy = np.squeeze(tinp[3] - tinp[2]) dz = np.squeeze(tinp[5] - tinp[4]) # Length of bipole dl = np.atleast_1d(np.linalg.norm( np.array([dx, dy, dz], dtype=object), axis=0)) # Horizontal deviation from x-axis azm = np.atleast_1d(np.arctan2(dy, dx)) # Vertical deviation from xy-plane down dip = np.atleast_1d(np.pi/2-np.arccos(dz/dl)) # Check intpts intpts = _check_var(intpts, int, 0, 'intpts', ()) # Gauss quadrature if intpts > 2; else set to center of tinp if intpts > 2: # Calculate the dipole positions # Get integration positions and weights g_x, g_w = sp.special.roots_legendre(intpts) g_x = np.outer(g_x, dl/2.0) # Adjust to tinp length g_w /= 2.0 # Adjust to tinp length (dl/2), normalize (1/dl) # Coordinate system is left-handed, positive z down # (East-North-Depth). xinp = tinp[0] + dx/2 + g_x*np.cos(dip)*np.cos(azm) yinp = tinp[2] + dy/2 + g_x*np.cos(dip)*np.sin(azm) zinp = tinp[4] + dz/2 + g_x*np.sin(dip) # Reduce zinp to one, if ninpz is 1 (as they are all the same then) if ninpz == 1: zinp = zinp[:, 0] else: # If intpts < 3: Calculate bipole at tinp-centre for dip/azm # Set intpts to 1 intpts = 1 # Get centre points xinp = np.array(tinp[0] + dx/2) yinp = np.array(tinp[2] + dy/2) zinp = np.array(tinp[4] + dz/2) # Gaussian weights in this case are ones g_w = np.array([1]) # Scaling inp_w = np.ones(dl.size) if strength > 0: # If strength > 0, we scale it by bipole-length inp_w *= dl if name == 'src': # If source, additionally by source strength inp_w *= strength # Collect output list; rounding coord. to same precision as min_off rndco = int(np.round(np.log10(1/_min_off))) tout = [np.round(xinp, rndco).ravel('F'), np.round(yinp, rndco).ravel('F'), np.round(zinp, rndco).ravel('F')] # Print spatial parameters if verb > 2: # Pole-type: src or rec if name == 'src': longname = ' Source(s) : ' else: longname = ' Receiver(s) : ' # Print dipole/bipole information if isdipole: print(f"{longname} {tout[0].size} dipole(s)") tname = ['x ', 'y ', 'z '] prntinp = tout else: print(f"{longname} {int(tout[0].size/intpts)} bipole(s)") tname = ['x_c', 'y_c', 'z_c'] if intpts == 1: print(" > intpts : 1 (as dipole)") prntinp = tout else: print(f" > intpts : {intpts}") prntinp = [np.atleast_1d(tinp[0])[0] + dx/2, np.atleast_1d(tinp[2])[0] + dy/2, np.atleast_1d(tinp[4])[0] + dz/2] # Print bipole length and strength _prnt_min_max_val(dl, " > length [m] : ", verb) print(f" > strength[A] : {_strvar(strength)}") # Print coordinates for i in range(3): text = " > " + tname[i] + " [m] : " _prnt_min_max_val(prntinp[i], text, verb) # Print angles _prnt_min_max_val(np.rad2deg(azm), " > azimuth [°] : ", verb) _prnt_min_max_val(np.rad2deg(dip), " > dip [°] : ", verb) return tout, azm, dip, g_w, intpts, inp_w
def get_kwargs(names, defaults, kwargs): """Return wanted parameters, check remaining. 1. Extracts parameters `names` from `kwargs`, filling them with the `defaults`-value if it is not in `kwargs`. 2. Check remaining kwargs; - Raise an error if it is an unknown keyword; - Print warning if it is a keyword from another routine (verb>0). List of possible kwargs: - ALL functions: src, rec, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, verb - ONLY gpr: cf, gain - ONLY bipole: msrc, srcpts - ONLY dipole_k: freq, wavenumber - ONLY analytical: solution - ONLY bipole, loop: mrec, recpts, strength - ONLY bipole, dipole, loop, gpr: ht, htarg, ft, ftarg, xdirect, loop - ONLY bipole, dipole, loop, analytical: signal, squeeze - ONLY dipole, analytical, gpr, dipole_k: ab - ONLY bipole, dipole, loop, gpr, dipole_k: depth - ONLY bipole, dipole, loop, analytical, gpr: freqtime Parameters ---------- names: list Names of wanted parameters as strings. defaults: list Default values of wanted parameters, in same order. kwargs : dict Passed-through kwargs. Returns ------ values : list Wanted parameters. """ # Known keys (excludes keys present in ALL routines). known_keys = set([ 'depth', 'ht', 'htarg', 'ft', 'ftarg', 'xdirect', 'loop', 'signal', 'ab', 'freqtime', 'freq', 'wavenumber', 'solution', 'cf', 'gain', 'msrc', 'srcpts', 'mrec', 'recpts', 'strength', 'squeeze' ]) # Loop over wanted parameters. out = list() verb = 2 # get_kwargs-internal default. for i, name in enumerate(names): # Catch verb for warnings later on. if name == 'verb': verb = kwargs.get(name, defaults[i]) # Add this parameter to the list. out.append(kwargs.pop(name, defaults[i])) # Check remaining parameters. if kwargs: if not set(kwargs.keys()).issubset(known_keys): raise TypeError(f"Unexpected **kwargs: {kwargs}.") elif verb > 0: print(f"* WARNING :: Unused **kwargs: {kwargs}.") return out
[docs] def printstartfinish(verb, inp=None, kcount=None): r"""Print start and finish with time measure and kernel count.""" if inp: if verb > 1: ttxt = str(timedelta(seconds=default_timer() - inp)) ktxt = ' ' if kcount: ktxt += str(kcount) + ' kernel call(s)' print(f"\n:: empymod END; runtime = {ttxt} ::{ktxt}\n") else: t0 = default_timer() if verb > 2: print(f"\n:: empymod START :: v{__version__}\n") return t0
[docs] def conv_warning(conv, targ, name, verb): r"""Print error if QWE/QUAD did not converge at least once.""" if verb > 0 and not conv: print(f"* WARNING :: {name}" "-quadrature did not converge at least once;\n " "=> desired `atol` and `rtol` might not be achieved.")
# 3. Set/get min values
[docs] def set_minimum(min_freq=None, min_time=None, min_off=None, min_res=None, min_angle=None): r""" Set minimum values of parameters. The given parameters are set to its minimum value if they are smaller. .. note:: set_minimum and get_minimum are derived after set_printoptions and get_printoptions from in numpy. Parameters ---------- min_freq : float, optional Minimum frequency [Hz] (default 1e-20 Hz). min_time : float, optional Minimum time [s] (default 1e-20 s). min_off : float, optional Minimum offset [m] (default 1e-3 m). Also used to round src- & rec-coordinates. min_res : float, optional Minimum horizontal and vertical resistivity [Ohm.m] (default 1e-20). min_angle : float, optional Minimum angle [-] (default 1e-10). """ global _min_freq, _min_time, _min_off, _min_res, _min_angle if min_freq is not None: _min_freq = min_freq if min_time is not None: _min_time = min_time if min_off is not None: _min_off = min_off if min_res is not None: _min_res = min_res if min_angle is not None: _min_angle = min_angle
[docs] def get_minimum(): r""" Return the current minimum values. .. note:: set_minimum and get_minimum are derived after set_printoptions and get_printoptions from in numpy. Returns ------- min_vals : dict Dictionary of current minimum values with keys - min_freq : float - min_time : float - min_off : float - min_res : float - min_angle : float For a full description of these options, see `set_minimum`. """ d = dict(min_freq=_min_freq, min_time=_min_time, min_off=_min_off, min_res=_min_res, min_angle=_min_angle) return d
# 4. Internal utilities def _check_shape(var, name, shape, shape2=None): r"""Check that <var> has shape <shape>; if false raise ValueError(name)""" varshape = np.shape(var) if shape != varshape: if shape2: if shape2 != varshape: raise ValueError(f"Parameter {name} has wrong shape! : " f"{varshape} instead of {shape} or {shape2}.") else: raise ValueError(f"Parameter {name} has wrong shape! : " f"{varshape} instead of {shape}.") def _check_var(var, dtype, ndmin, name, shape=None, shape2=None): r"""Return variable as array of dtype, ndmin; shape-checked.""" var = np.array(var, dtype=dtype, copy=True, ndmin=ndmin) if shape: _check_shape(var, name, shape, shape2) return var def _strvar(a, prec='{:G}'): r"""Return variable as a string to print, with given precision.""" return ' '.join([prec.format(i) for i in np.atleast_1d(a)]) def _prnt_min_max_val(var, text, verb): r"""Print variable; if more than three, just min/max, unless verb > 3.""" if var.size > 3: print(f"{text} {_strvar(var.min())} - {_strvar(var.max())} " f": {_strvar(var.size)} [min-max; #]") if verb > 3: print(f" : {_strvar(var)}") else: print(f"{text} {_strvar(np.atleast_1d(var))}") def _check_min(par, minval, name, unit, verb): r"""Check minimum value of parameter.""" scalar = False if par.shape == (): scalar = True par = np.atleast_1d(par) if minval is not None: ipar = np.where(par < minval) par[ipar] = minval if verb > 0 and np.size(ipar) != 0: print(f"* WARNING :: {name} < {str(minval)} {unit}" f" are set to {minval} {unit}!") if scalar: return np.squeeze(par) else: return par # 5. Report
[docs] class Report(ScoobyReport): r"""Print date, time, and version information. Use `scooby` to print date, time, and package version information in any environment (Jupyter notebook, IPython console, Python console, QT console), either as html-table (notebook) or as plain text (anywhere). Always shown are the OS, number of CPU(s), `numpy`, `scipy`, `numba`, `empymod`, `sys.version`, and time/date. Additionally shown are, if they can be imported, `IPython`, and `matplotlib`. It also shows MKL information, if available. All modules provided in `add_pckg` are also shown. .. note:: The package `scooby` has to be installed in order to use `Report`: ``pip install scooby``. Parameters ---------- add_pckg : packages, optional Package or list of packages to add to output information (must be imported beforehand). ncol : int, optional Number of package-columns in html table (no effect in text-version); Defaults to 3. text_width : int, optional The text width for non-HTML display modes sort : bool, optional Sort the packages when the report is shown Examples -------- >>> import pytest >>> import dateutil >>> from empymod import Report >>> Report() # Default values >>> Report(pytest) # Provide additional package >>> Report([pytest, dateutil], ncol=5) # Set nr of columns """ def __init__(self, add_pckg=None, ncol=3, text_width=80, sort=False): """Initiate a scooby.Report instance.""" # Mandatory packages. core = ['numpy', 'scipy', 'numba', 'empymod', 'libdlf'] # Optional packages. optional = ['IPython', 'matplotlib'] super().__init__(additional=add_pckg, core=core, optional=optional, ncol=ncol, text_width=text_width, sort=sort)