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A simple frequency-domain example#
A simple frequency-domain empymod example for a
single frequency, and a
crossplot of a range of frequencies versus a range of offsets.
import empymod
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
Define models#
depth = [0, -300, -1000, -1200] # Layer boundaries
res_tg = [2e14, 0.3, 1, 50, 1] # Anomaly resistivities
res_bg = [2e14, 0.3, 1, 1, 1] # Background resistivities
aniso = [1, 1, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5] # Layer anis. (same for anomaly & backg.)
# Modelling parameters
verb = 0
ab = 11 # source and receiver x-directed
# Spatial parameters
zsrc = -250 # Source depth
zrec = -300 # Receiver depth
recx = np.arange(20, 101)*100 # Receiver offsets
Plot models#
p_depth = np.repeat(np.r_[100, depth, 2*depth[-1]], 2)[1:-1]
# Create figure
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, constrained_layout=True, sharey=True)
fig.suptitle("Model", fontsize=16)
# Plot Resistivities
ax1.semilogx(np.repeat(res_tg, 2), p_depth, 'C0')
ax1.semilogx(np.repeat(res_bg, 2), p_depth, 'k')
ax1.set_xlim([0.08, 500])
ax1.set_ylim([-1800, 100])
ax1.set_ylabel('Depth (m)')
ax1.set_xlabel('Resistivity ρₕ (Ω m)')
# Plot anisotropies
ax2.plot(np.repeat(aniso, 2), p_depth, 'k')
ax2.set_xlim([0, 2])
ax2.set_xlabel('Anisotropy λ (-)')
1. Frequency response for f = 1 Hz#
# For 1 frequency, f=1Hz
inpdat = {
'src': [0, 0, zsrc],
'rec': [recx, 0, zrec],
'depth': depth,
'freqtime': 1,
'aniso': aniso,
'ab': ab,
'htarg': {'pts_per_dec': -1},
'verb': verb
fEM_tg = empymod.dipole(res=res_tg, **inpdat)
fEM_bg = empymod.dipole(res=res_bg, **inpdat)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, constrained_layout=True)
ax1.set_title("Eₓₓ; f = 1 Hz")
# Plot Amplitude
ax1.semilogy(recx/1000, fEM_bg.amp(), label='Dipole: background')
ax1.semilogy(recx/1000, fEM_tg.amp(), label='Dipole: anomaly')
ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude (V/(Am²))')
ax1.legend(loc='lower left')
# Plot Phase
ax2.plot(recx/1000, fEM_bg.pha(deg=True))
ax2.plot(recx/1000, fEM_tg.pha(deg=True))
ax2.set_xlabel('Offset (km)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Phase (°)')
2. Crossplot#
# For 33 frequencies from -1.5 to 0.5 (logspace)
freq = np.logspace(-1.5, .5, 33)
inpdat = {
'src': [0, 0, zsrc],
'rec': [recx, 0, zrec],
'depth': depth,
'freqtime': freq,
'aniso': aniso,
'ab': ab,
'htarg': {'pts_per_dec': -1},
'verb': verb,
xfEM_tg = empymod.dipole(**inpdat, res=res_tg)
xfEM_bg = empymod.dipole(**inpdat, res=res_bg)
lfreq = np.log10(freq)
lamp = np.log10(xfEM_tg.amp())
namp = (xfEM_tg/xfEM_bg).amp() # Target divided by background
# Create figure
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(
1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True, constrained_layout=True)
# Plot absolute (amplitude) in log10
cf1 = ax1.contourf(recx/1000, lfreq, lamp, levels=50)
CS1 = ax1.contour(recx/1000, lfreq, lamp, [-14, -13, -12, -11], colors='k')
plt.clabel(CS1, inline=1, fontsize=10)
ax1.set_xlabel('Offset (km)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ax1.set_yticks([-1.5, -1, -.5, 0, .5],
('0.03', '0.10', '0.32', '1.00', '3.16'))
cb1 = plt.colorbar(cf1, ax=ax1, orientation='horizontal',
ticks=np.arange(-14., -9))
cb1.set_label('log10|Eᵗ| (V/(Am²)')
# Plot normalized
ax2.set_title('Normalized Amplitude')
cf2 = ax2.contourf(recx/1000, lfreq, namp, levels=50, cmap='plasma')
CS2 = ax2.contour(recx/1000, lfreq, namp, [1, 3, 5, 7], colors='k')
plt.clabel(CS2, inline=1, fontsize=10)
ax2.set_ylim([lfreq[0], lfreq[-1]])
ax2.set_xlim([recx[0]/1000, recx[-1]/1000])
ax2.set_xlabel('Offset (km)')
cb2 = plt.colorbar(cf2, ax=ax2, orientation='horizontal',
ticks=np.arange(1., 9))
cb2.set_label('|Eᵗ/Eᵇ| (-)')
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.116 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 189 MB